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The similarities of Anthropology, Geography, Linguistics, and History is these

disciplines explores the relationship between people and their cultures, past and
present, and the structure of the social, environmental, political and economic systems
in which humans operate. The differences they have is they all focus on different
studies. Anthropology is the study of what makes us human while Geography is the
study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. History is
the study of past events while Linguistics is the scientific study of language.

3. First, Anthropology helps address today’s challenges related to globalization, human

conflicts, preservation of cultural heritage and changing environments. Second,
knowledge in Linguistics can be applied to improving communication between people,
contributing to translation activities, assisting in literacy efforts, and treating speech
disorders. Third, history gives us the tools to analyze and explain problems in the past,
it positions us to see patterns that might otherwise be invisible in the present and lastly,
topics that are relevant to today such as climate change, water availability, natural
resources, and more are much easier understood by those who study Geography.

What’s More
Linguistics History Anthropology Geography
Linguistique Istoria Anthropos Graphein
Oldest linguistic texts Influences of Greeks have The discovery and contact The ancient Greeks made
included Sumerian of the helped spawn variant to new civilizations by the first contribution to the
Old Babylon and Vedas of interpretations of the European explorers and subject through measuring
the Hindus. nature of history which colonizers led to curiosity the earth using grids and
First formal study of have evolved over the of who these people are, meridians.
language began in India in centuries and continue to their ancestors, relation
the formulation of Sanskrit change today. and uniqueness with other
morphology. people and their way of
Evolutionary Linguistics Political History Biological Anthropology Physical Geography
Historical Linguistics Economic History Cultural Anthropology Human Geography
Socio Linguistics Social History
Psycho Linguistics
Neuro Linguistics
Anthropological Linguistics
Applied Linguistics
Bio Linguistics
Clinic Linguistics
Linguistic Typology
Descriptive Linguistics Positivism Ethnographic Method Descriptive Geography
Perspective Linguistics Narrative-Chronology Case Study Analytical Geography
Biography-Hagiography Descriptive Method Geostatistics
Dialects-Analysis Historical Method Ethnographic Geography
What I Have Learned


a. In the recent study of Lagahid, et. al., It is believed that Cebuanos has have a high sense of self-esteem, the
"Garbo", by which Cebuanos has this dignity and pride.

b . Across the Western Pacific, Philippines is one of the countries with high number of COVID-19 cases.

c. Throughout the Philippine History, Cebu is one of the longest existing province in the Visayas Islands, and their
native tongue, Cebuano, is 2nd wide spoken dialect in the nation.


History, Anthropology, Linguistics, and Geography will help me better understand myself, my culture and
origins, my interactions with others, and my relationships with the rest of the world. These disciplines can help deal
with social challenges by providing insights into the varied ways individuals, groups, and institutions make decisions,
exercise power, and respond to change, ranging from historical events and successes to human behavior and group



Herodotus History Histories Istoria
Eratosthenes Geography Earliest maps of the world Graphein
Edward Burnett Tylor Anthropology Researches into the Early Anthropos
History of Mankind and the
Development of Civilization
Ferdinand de Saussure Linguistics Memoire sur le systeme Linguistique
primitive des voyelles dans
les langues indo-


1. Linguistics
2. History
3. Geography
4. Anthropology


1. istoria – knowing by inquiry

2. linguistique- language
3. anthropoos+ logos – man to study
4. geo + graphein - earth to describe

Anthropology is the study of the origin and development of human societies and
cultures. The study emerged out of the New Imperialism of nineteenth-century Europe.
During this time, European explorers came into contact with diverse groups and
societies in the Americas and Asia. In the twentieth century, anthropology became
increasingly specialized and professionalized as a social science. It is important to study
this discipline because it allows researchers to explore every element of human life. It's
a doorway to the unknown. Anthropology answers our curiosity about ourselves, our
history, our present, and our future. Anthropology serves to bring people from all
across the world together.

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