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110 學年度第一學期普高英文 B3L5

老師: 班級: 座號:______ 姓名:__________

一、字彙填充(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. _____________ Melody s_____rs a lot after her son’s death in a car accident. She feels her life
is meaningless.
2. _____________ The killing of an African American teenager yesterday drew the public
attention for the issue of r_____l equality.
3. _____________ A group of researchers discovered one of the earliest Roman s_____ts in
northern Britain, and the location might have been the home of high-status
families then.
4. _____________ Not getting along with her classmates, Nina has s_____d terribly these years
and ended up dropping out of school.
5. _____________ While constructing the new wastewater treatment plant, the workers
accidentally discovered the remains of a prehistoric s_____t.
6. _____________ Everyone should learn how to react to s_____l harassment and protect himself
or herself from being harmed. 
7. _____________ The criminal had c_____d many crimes before he was arrested by the police.
8. _____________ Mike thinks that the smell of durians is not good but at least t_____e. 
9. _____________ Unable to speak English, Frank s_____red greatly during the first year after
he moved to the United States.
10. _____________ Too much exposure to violence on TV is likely to cause negative i_____ts on
11. _____________ Lucy complained that her professor didn’t really finish reading her essay, so
the comments he left seemed totally u_____r.
12. _____________ In the 19th century, the growing cotton economy led to an increasing demand
for African s_____es.
13. _____________ Wendy was s_____d from the other patients in the hospital because she had
caught a contagious disease.
14. _____________ M_____l health is as important as physical health because it plays a vital role
in our relationships and productivity at work.
15. _____________ In the 18th and 19th centuries, large numbers of African s_____s were
brought to the United States and forced to work for their owners.
16. _____________ Ms. Perry has taught students with special needs for more than twenty years.
She is a highly r_____d teacher.
17. _____________ The older g_____ns usually prefer face-to-face talks, while young people
prefer text messages.
18. _____________ In a democratic society, people enjoy freedom of speech. Thus, they should
have t_____e of different opinions.

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19. _____________ Children can learn some basic household skills from doing simple h_____k,
such as washing the dishes and cleaning the table.
20. _____________ It would not be f_____r to the other students if Josh was allowed to hand in
his homework late while the others had to hand it in on time.
21. _____________ Sandy found Leo’s jokes i_____e. He was just trying to laugh at other people.
22. _____________ Although the chance of success is s_____t, David still wants to give it a try
and start his own business.
23. _____________ The murderer who had killed nine people was sentenced to life imprisonment
in p_____n.
24. _____________ Susan felt extremely d_____d when she broke up with Kevin, whom she had
fallen in love with for seven years.
25. _____________ It d_____d the coach to learn that no one on the team cared whether or not
they would win the game.
26. _____________ The baseball player was a_____d of his bad performance and refused to
answer any of reporters’ questions.
27. _____________ The MRT has had a positive i_____t on traffic in Taipei. Getting around the
city has become much easier. 
28. _____________ Emma is looking forward to the class reunion e_____y because she hasn’t met
her classmates for almost twenty years
29. _____________ Carol was tortured by m_____l illness, which made her lose her temper and
yell without any reason.
30. _____________ The l_____r costs in building the stadium have become higher with the
increase of wages.
31. _____________ The p_____r hoped that he could start a new life after being released from jail.
32. _____________ The full s_____e of the earthquake damage has yet to be confirmed since the
communications in some areas were destroyed.
33. _____________ My father and I have very different opinions about money, and we find it hard
to s_____e the argument.
34. _____________ There were ten s_____ts working in the castle. Their jobs included cooking,
cleaning, and taking care of the king’s children.
35. _____________ William prepared an e_____s bunch of roses and a diamond ring to propose to
his girlfriend.
36. _____________ The person who has c_____ted the murder of two people was arrested
37. _____________ People who work or study abroad alone have to bear long s_____s from their
38. _____________ With the increasing number of traffic deaths resulting from drunk driving, the
public cannot t_____e this illegal act any longer. 
39. _____________ The farmer s_____ed the bad apples from the good ones and then put them
into a box beside her.
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40. _____________ Every culture should be r_____ted, and everyone should be more open-
minded toward people of different backgrounds.
41. _____________ The rich businessperson hires several s_____s to clean the house and prepare
meals for his family.
42. _____________ A common reason for the elderly to attempt s_____e is that they don’t want to
be a burden for their families.
43. _____________ Most people are curious about the s_____x of the baby when they find out
someone is pregnant.
44. _____________ While Mark was cooking, his wife did the l_____y and cleaned the house.
45. _____________ Three g_____s of my family are shown in this picture: my grandparents, my
parents, and I.
46. _____________ Failing the same subject again, Hugo fell into a great d_____n.

二、詞類變化(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. _____________ Peter and his wife work in _____ (separate) cities. He works in Taipei, while
his wife work in Taichung.
2. _____________ The rescue team has _____ (labor) for two days to look for the missing
3. _____________ The young couple can’t wait to know the _____ (sexual) of their unborn baby.
4. _____________ Stephen Hawking is a highly _____ (respect) scientist in view of his great
contribution to our understanding of the universe.
5. _____________ Maggie found her neighbors quite noisy, but her husband thought they were
still _____ (intolerable).
6. _____________ Mr. Collins has _____ (suffer) from back pain for years, and he can’t stand
straight for a long time.
7. _____________ Across the globe, there are still many issues that haven’t been _____
(settlement), including racial discrimination and environmental cases.
8. _____________ Most of the companies are moving their factories to the countries where
_____ (labor) costs are lower.
9. _____________ An airplane crashed into a building and exploded on _____ (impact).
10. _____________ The _____ (prison) are taking courses to acquire job skills such as learning
how to bake. By doing so, they are more likely to get a job after going back to
11. _____________ I couldn’t _____ (intolerable) the bad smell anymore, so I went out to breathe
some fresh air.
12. _____________ The company is negotiating an out-of-court _____ (settlement) with the
former employees for their unemployment.
13. _____________ As a perfectionist, Mark puts himself under _____ (enormously) pressure to
do everything perfectly.

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14. _____________ Nick considers studying abroad, but he is not sure that he can endure long
_____ (separate) from his family and friends in Taiwan.
15. _____________ When we travel around the world, it is important to show _____ (respect) for
different cultures.
16. _____________ Jenny doesn’t want to go to Thailand with me, for she has no _____
(intolerable) for hot weather.
17. _____________ The failure _____ (depressed) Emily a lot, but she knew she had to keep
18. _____________ Since her cat died, Laura has fallen into a great _____ (depressed).
19. _____________ It seems not _____ (unfair) that Sandy has to do the housework, while her
older brother doesn’t have to.
20. _____________ In the past, there was no _____ (sexual) equality in most of the workplaces.
Men and women were treated unequally.

三、字彙與慣用語選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. ( ) Before the Civil War, nearly 4 million black _____ were forced to work in Southern
America. They lost their families, homes, and even names.
(A)slaves (B)organs (C)races (D)disasters
2. ( ) Cindy was heartbroken when she heard that her husband had died in the war. This cruel
war _____ them _____.
(A)tore; apart (B)put; aside (C)worked; out (D)brought; together
3. ( ) It’s _____ to leave all the cleaning to Jane and Mike. Everyone in the class should share
the work.
(A)unfair (B)furious (C)strict (D)active
4. ( ) The sections of women’s and men’s underwear are on two _____ floors in this
department store.
(A)respectful (B)unfair (C)separate (D)experienced
5. ( ) Feeling _____ breaking up with Daisy, Brian locked himself in the room all day long.
(A)depressed (B)cheerful (C)generous (D)enormous
6. ( ) The repeated drunk driver was sent to _____ for six months.
(A)prison (B)suicide (C)impact (D)crime
7. ( ) The owner of the KTV store refused to say anything before knowing the full _____ of the
fire accident.
(A)scale (B)media (C)justice (D)length
8. ( ) There used to be eight _____ taking care of the queen, but now there are only two left.
(A)bracelets (B)aspects (C)servants (D)reviews
9. ( ) The Wu family shares their _____ equally. Everyone should take turns in cleaning and
taking out the garbage.
(A)settlement (B)reflection (C)promotion (D)housework

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10. ( ) The damage caused by the typhoon was _____. Dozens of people were killed and
thousands were homeless.
(A)under control (B)in charge (C)on the way (D)beyond belief
11. ( ) My Shiba Inu pet dog wants me to take him out to a walk every day _____ bad weather.
(A)on behalf of (B)regardless of (C)instead of (D)due to
12. ( ) As the number of people _____ suicide increases, the government should start taking the
issue seriously.
(A)exchanging (B)committing (C)tolerating (D)surviving
13. ( ) Some of the employees held a demonstration against the company for the ______ abuse
toward women.
(A)social (B)protective (C)sexual (D)positive
14. ( ) It is not easy for young people to communicate with the older _____. It takes patience
and respect.
(A)generation (B)settlement (C)treatment (D)institution
15. ( ) It is amazing that the boy can lift that two heavy boxes. He must have _____ strong arms.
(A)traditionally (B)regrettably (C)skillfully (D)enormously
16. ( ) Even though you are facing many difficulties in your life, remember that _____ is not the
solution. There are many ways better than ending your life.
(A)settlement (B)respect (C)suicide (D)removal
17. ( ) Willie admitted to having cheated in the exam, and he felt _____ of his behavior.
(A)ashamed (B)unfair (C)tolerable (D)spiritual
18. ( ) David knew that it is time for him to do the _____ because he had no clean shirts to wear.
(A)servant (B)impact (C)tolerance (D)laundry
19. ( ) Look at the two diamonds carefully, and you will find a _____ difference in the colors.
(A)mental (B)tolerant (C)slight (D)curious
20. ( ) The _____ of what my favorite YouTuber had said to me was huge. With her compliment,
I knew I could do better and succeed.
(A)review (B)impact (C)respect (D)pattern
21. ( ) Cases of _____ discrimination happen randomly in this neighborhood. Asians are
sometimes bullied or even attacked by Americans.
(A)mental (B)guilty (C)racial (D)formal
22. ( ) The typhoon has ______ tremendous losses of wealth and lives as well as brought much
inconvenience to us.
(A)looked forward to (B)resulted in (C)run out of (D)given in to
23. ( ) Human beings should _____ the environment and stop taking natural resources for
(A)reflect (B)remind (C)restrict (D)respect
24. ( ) Proper exercise and healthy diet can improve both physical and _____ health.
(A)economic (B)severe (C)mental (D)fatal
25. ( ) The government is trying to _____ the conflict with the local residents over the
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construction of a new factory.
(A)commit (B)depress (C)respect (D)settle
26. ( ) Chris cannot bear to see his wife _____ from lung cancer. He hopes a miracle will
(A)exchanging (B)preventing (C)fighting (D)suffering
27. ( ) Providing the _____ with a safe working environment is the company’s top priority.
(A)abuse (B)labor (C)impact (D)distance
28. ( ) The people in the bar downstairs made a lot of _____ noise all night and we could barely
fall asleep.
(A)unfair (B)intolerable (C)depressed (D)separate

四、文法選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. ( ) If Chris had apologized that night, Amy _____ him.
(A)has forgiven (B)will forgive
(C)had been forgiven (D)might have forgiven
2. ( ) The article is about global warming, _____ has caused many negative impacts on the
(A)what (B)where (C)which (D)it
3. ( ) If I _____ an umbrella with me, I might not have gotten wet.
(A)have (B)had had (C)have had (D)had
4. ( ) The younger generations usually do not understand it_____ their grandparents had
experienced during wartime.
(A)how (B)what (C)which (D)that
5. ( ) It was Tina’s encouragement _____ gave me the strength to move on.
(A)what (B)that (C)when (D)whose
6. ( ) You _____ your mistakes at that time. Now it is too late to apologize.
(A)should admit (B)should have admitted
(C)must admit (D)must have admitted
7. ( ) Without Mrs. Harrison’s support and encouragement, our success _____ possible.
(A)has been (B)is going to be
(C)wouldn’t have been (D)mustn’t be
8. ( ) I regretted breaking my mother’s heart this morning. I _____ to her like that.
(A)might have talked (B)will not talk
(C)am talking (D)shouldn’t have talked
9. ( ) The slaves were _____ work long days on the cotton farm without much rest.
(A)made to (B)made (C)to make (D)being made
10. ( ) My eighty-year-old grandmother never thinks she is now _____ old to learn. She is now
learning French, computer, and flute.
(A)very (B)too (C)so (D)more

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11. ( ) The boy was forced to be separated _____ his parents and sent to live with his aunt.
(A)with (B)for (C)as (D)from
12. ( ) Because of his good voice, Eric was made _____ a song in front of the whole class.
(A)by singing (B)sing (C)to sing (D)singing
13. ( ) The traveler picked up one road, _____ herself that one day she would come back to take
the other road.
(A)told (B)telling (C)to tell (D)and telling
14. ( ) If I _____ the exam was difficult, I would have studied harder.
(A)had known (B)knew (C)should know (D)might have known
15. ( ) Customers should be provided _____ clear information about the ingredients used in the
foods they buy from the supermarket.
(A)for (B)to (C)with (D)by
16. ( ) If Jasmine _____ late for the interview, she might have got the job.
(A)was not (B)has not been (C)would not be (D)had not been
17. ( ) Some people don’t eat red meat _____ its negative influence on health.
(A)as for (B)even with (C)instead of (D)due to
18. ( ) Guishan Island, also known _____ Turtle Island, is one of the active volcanoes in Taiwan.
(A)as (B)with (C)for (D)by
19. ( ) If I _____ so much money on buying clothes, I might have been able to save more
(A)won’t spend (B)shouldn’t spend (C)hadn’t spent (D)have spent
20. ( ) The train _____ before Mr. Anderson arrived at the station.
(A)had left (B)was leaving (C)has left (D)would leave

五、課文綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. Sheila Humphries had a tragic childhood. She was __1__ from her parents and made to
work like a slave. Shelia is now seventy years old. She is a successful artist and has eight children.
When she looks back on her life as a child, her story is __2__. Sheila was not taken by a band of
criminals but by the Australian government. She was one of many victims of the government’s
policy and is called “the Stolen Generations”.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) searched (B) separated (C) sacrificed (D) survived
( 2 ) ( ) (A) at random (B) in brief (C) in charge (D) beyond belief

The Australian government believed that the indigenous culture was inferior to white Australian
culture. They wanted all indigenous Australians to become a part of white culture or die out, __3__
they permanently removed children from their families.
Between 1909 and 1969, thousands of children were taken from their families to settlements or
camps. The conditions in the settlements were shocking. Physical, mental and sexual abuses were
common. This __4__ treatment resulted in depression and even suicide. The long-term effects of

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tearing families apart are still harming people today.

We must learn from the lessons of the past and know that all cultures are valuable. If Australian
indigenous people __5__ with respect, much suffering could have been avoided. No culture is
inferior or superior, and this kind of thinking makes our world smaller and weaker.
( 5 ) ( ) (A) had treated (B) are treated (C) had been treated (D) would have treated
2. Although Sheila Humphries is enjoying her retirement in her seventies, she still carries the
scars of the cruelty she faced as a child. At a very young age, she was separated from her family and
taken to a children’s home for no reason. There, she was forced to do housework __1__ being sent
to school. She lived just like a slave.
Unfortunately, Sheila is not alone. Like thousands of indigenous Australians, she suffered from
the Australian government’s racial policies.
Between 1909 and 1969, the Australian government __2__ families __2__ due to their skin color.
The government wanted to separate indigenous people from white people. Children who were born
during the time grew up in institutions where they were treated __3__. These generations are called
“the Stolen Generations.”
Moreover, not only the children but the adults had been mistreated. They were forced to work,
being paid very low, and lived in __4__ that were very much like prisons.
If the Australian government had treated the Stolen Generations fairly, it __5__ a stronger nation
with more diversity. Today, Australia’s stained past still has an impact on their society. However,
they are working hard on fixing the mistake they have made.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) instead of (B) regardless of (C) in spite of (D) in terms of
( 2 ) ( ) (A) gave; away (B) passed; down (C) took; off (D) tore; apart
( 3 ) ( ) (A) unfairly (B) cheerfully (C) generously (D) flexibly
( 4 ) ( ) (A) advantages (B) distances (C) settlements (D) establishments
( 5 ) ( ) (A) had become (B) should become (C) will have become (D) would have become

六、綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. Canada’s Indian Act of 1876 had tragic impacts on the lives of generations of First Nations
children. The term “First Nations” is what Canada’s indigenous people prefer to be called. The Act
declared that First Nations children must go to school, yet the schools were built far away in order
to completely __1__ indigenous children from their family. The racial goal of the schools was to
eliminate (消除) First Nations culture completely and “re-educate” the children in Western ways. If
the schools hadn’t been built far away, then parents __2__ and seen the harm being done to their
Beginning in 1884, First Nations children were removed from their parents and sent away to live
at “residential schools,” __3__ were run by Christian groups and paid for by the Canadian
government. Children were taught to be __4__ of being Indian and were punished severely for
speaking their native language. Physical, sexual, and mental wrongdoings were widespread in the

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schools. The children suffered __5__ and at least 6,000 children died during the time. Those who
survived grew into depressed adults.
In 2008, the Canadian government formally apologized to the First Nations people. In 2015, the
government publicly recognized that residential schools had tried to erase a group of people by
destroying their language, traditions, history, and future.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) raise (B) punish (D) awaken (D) separate
( 2 ) ( ) (A) couldn’t visit (B) wouldn’t have visited (C) have visited (D) could have visited
( 3 ) ( ) (A) which (B) where (C) those (D) ones
( 4 ) ( ) (A) protective (B) ashamed (C) loyal (D) curious
( 5 ) ( ) (A) enormously (B) patiently (C) illegally (D) consciously
2. 370 million people in 70 countries throughout the world see themselves as indigenous. They
prefer to be referred to as hill people or hunter out of __1__ for how or where their group lives.
Despite the large scale of their spread around the world, indigenous people share some common
characteristics, challenges, and protections.
To be considered indigenous, people must be able to trace their bloodline back to ancestors living
in their region before any other people arrived. All indigenous people have their own language,
belief, and learning systems.
Yet, new people’s arrival is usually the first challenge. New __2__ are built on their lands. Due to
their unique lifestyles, indigenous people cannot compete in the slightest way with new weapons
and machinery. Therefore, they cannot stand up to dominant groups for the negative impacts on
their way of life. Legal systems are usually set up in an __3__ way to favor the dominant group
over the indigenous. The challenges even continue with slave trade.
__4__ where they live, indigenous people have suffered enormously. Protection was finally
passed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2007. If the Declaration __5__, then the voices
of indigenous people might have been ignored by world leaders forever. While many indigenous
people still endure intolerable situations, the United Nations is bringing awareness to the rights of
indigenous populations.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) respect (B) origin (C) pursuit (D) curiosity
( 2 ) ( ) (A) arrangements (B) settlements (C) guarantees (D) operations
( 3 ) ( ) (A) accurate (B) unfair (C) interactive (D) ordinary
( 4 ) ( ) (A) In addition to (B) As well as (C) Except for (D) Regardless of
( 5 ) ( ) (A) could be passed (B) must have been passed (C) hadn’t been passed (D) will be passed
3. The Yanomami Tribe of the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil used to be lucky. Their ancestral
lands have been made into Brazil’s largest indigenous park, Yanomami Park. If Brazil __1__ the
Yanomami tribe to continue living on their land, the tribe might not have survived.
__2__, earlier in 2019 the luck ended with the arrival of an illegally operating gold mining
company. The miners cut down hundreds of trees, created huge mining pits, and dumped poisonous
chemicals into the river. The water held in the mining pits has __3__ an intolerable situation of
malaria-carrying (帶有瘧疾的) mosquitoes.
The Yanomami did not have the __4__ need for money before, but expensive wells need to be
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dug to access clean water now. The tribe asked for help from a local fund that gives assistance to
indigenous people. Once the fund workers saw the scale of cacao trees on the land, they had an
idea. The Yanomami could eat the white fruit of the cacao and separate the seeds __5__ a waste
product. Throwing away the cacao seeds was for meal preparation. The Yanomami realized that
they could make money by producing organic chocolate from the cacao seeds by grinding them into
cocoa powder. They can make the money they need and preserve their natural resources at the same
( 1 ) ( ) (A) should allow (B) had not allowed (C) must allow (D) was not allowed
( 2 ) ( ) (A) However (B) Therefore (C) No wonder (D) In brief
( 3 ) ( ) (A) got over (B) torn apart (C) resulted in (D) came from
( 4 ) ( ) (A) closest (B) best (C) most (D) slightest
( 5 ) ( ) (A) with (B) as (C) for (D) from
4. Throughout history, Native American Indians have suffered enormously at the hands of
white settlers and the U.S. government. The treatment of Native Americans has been historically
__1__ and shown a lack of respect for an indigenous culture.
The Civilization Fund Act of 1819 is one such example of racial and cultural injustice against
Native Americans. The government teamed up with Christian groups to separate children from their
families and teach the Indian children Western culture and “good moral values.” Besides, the
children were taught to be ashamed of their cultural traditions and never speak other languages. The
children suffered for even the slightest mistakes. If the Civilization Fund Act had been successful,
Native American culture __2__.
The __3__ of the intolerable time the children spent away from their families usually took years
to discover. The terrible treatment they received at the boarding schools resulted in their mental
problems. They could no longer connect to a strong tribal identity, __4__ is one of the most
important aspects of Native American culture. Some became so depressed that they committed
In 1978, the Indian Child Welfare Act was passed to protect Indian children __5__ from their
families and tribes. However, does the United States have publicly recognized its wrongs against
the Native American community?
( 1 ) ( ) (A) pleasant (B) skillful (C) reasonable (D) unfair
( 2 ) ( ) (A) should destroy (B) might destroy (C) would have been destroyed (D) has been
( 3 ) ( ) (A) messages (B) aspects (C) impacts (D) punishments
( 4 ) ( ) (A) that (B) which (C) it (D) what
( 5 ) ( ) (A) being taken (B) from taking (C) to be taken (D) from being taken

七、文意選填(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. When one country colonizes another, the native people in the region often suffer intolerable
conditions. Many of the customs and traditions of native people are __1__ unacceptable to the

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colonizers. This often results in the establishment of __2__ policies. The colonizers use these
policies to do away with the original customs and traditions of the native people, regardless of how
__3__ these practices are to the native population.
Europeans had always __4__ themselves as better than Africans. Fake science was used to
explain why taking over parts of Africa was acceptable. This “science” enabled white Europeans to
rule over the “simpler” Africans, causing many Africans to suffer __5__. Africans were __6__ as
slaves. While slavery became the main economic system in many parts of the world, the __7__ on
the Africans was rarely considered. Some of these slaves were forced to live in terrible conditions
that is almost beyond __8__.
When Britain colonized India, many of the Indians were forced to become servants of the British.
Those Indians who fought against British people were either killed or thrown in __9__. Much of the
history deals with the East India Company, which was a company that basically stole from Indians
and used their __10__.
The colonization history is not a pretty one. We should all learn from it so that it is not repeated
in the future.
(A) viewed (B) treated (C) normally (D) meaningful (E) prison
(F) enormously (G) labor (H) belief (I) racial (J) impact
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
2. For well over a century, the aboriginal people of Australia have had to live under poor
conditions. Enduring racial policies which made them isolated from the majority white population,
aboriginals were treated as an inferior group for __1__. Until now, they have __2__ a lot. However,
many of them have managed to overcome the huge obstacles to __3__ amazing success.
David Unaipon was an aboriginal inventor and writer. Born in 1872 in South Australia, he
invented the helicopter, __4__ the principle of a hunting tool. He also wrote a book, Legendary
Tales of the Australian Aborigines. Though it was never __5__ during his lifetime, he is now seen
as the very first aboriginal author. That is why Australia chose to show the __6__ for him by placing
his image on their fifty-dollar bill.
Then there is Neville Bonner, Australia’s first aboriginal politician. When he became the
senator(參議員) of Queensland in 1971, it had a huge __7__ on aboriginal rights. Bonner frequently
fought against the unfair policies directing toward aboriginal tribes. His tireless work __8__ more
people realizing that anyone could contribute to the improvement of the country, regardless of race.
Finally, Cathy Freeman was the first Australian aboriginal to win a gold __9__ at the Olympic
Games. Since this achievement in 2000, she has traveled to many aboriginal __10__ to inspire
young people. Her message is that although aboriginals have been abused in the past, there is still a
light at the end of the tunnel.
(A) published (B) respect (C) resulted in (D) achieve (E) generations
(F) communities (G) impact (H) suffered (I) medal (J) based on
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
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3. Today, there are over 800,000 indigenous people in Taiwan, and the government recognizes
about 16 separate groups, including Amis, Atayal, Bunun and others. Throughout history, however,
these people have __1__ at the hands of different powers, from the Japanese to the Han Chinese.
Unfair __2__ policies have resulted in fewer education and employment opportunities for
Taiwanese indigenous people in general. But these days, different groups are working to have a
positive __3__ on indigenous people and society as a whole. They are trying to raise __4__ of
indigenous people and cultures.
__5__, students from Bin-mao Junior High School in Taitung are spreading the word about
indigenous culture through songs and dances. __6__, The VASA Paiwan Traditional Dance and
Music Troupe, established in 2011, performs aboriginal songs and dances throughout Taiwan in
__7__ costumes. Their musical talent is beyond belief. If you had seen their Formosa New Year’s
Concert 2019 in Neihu in person, they would have __8__ you!
In the past, indigenous people had to adopt a name in Mandarin. Perhaps some were even
ashamed to use their given tribal names. Recently, however, a professional baseball player has
__9__ to using his Paiwan name, Giljegiljaw Kungkuan. He is quite sure that his decision is right.
Indigenous people of Taiwan are working hard, regardless of which tribe they belong to.
Hopefully, younger generations of indigenous people will take note and have the greatest __10__
for their background. They should be proud of themselves.
(A) suffered (B) awareness (C) traditional (D) committed(E) racial
(F) For instance (G) In addition (H) amazed (I) impact (J) respect
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______

八、篇章結構(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. A recent report by a United Nations organization estimates that about half of the 7,000
local dialects in the world today are in danger of being lost. __1__
The official language in Taiwan is Mandarin, which replaced Japanese when the Republic of
China’s government retreated from China to Taiwan in 1949. __2__ As Taiwan became more
democratic in the 1980s and 90s, the government eased up on these language restrictions and local
dialects began to be spoken in public again.
Now, although it is possible to hear local dialects in songs, movies, and TV shows, some
believe that these local dialects are in danger, since many young people are not learning how to
speak them. __3__ Besides, most fluent Hakka speakers are over the age of fifty.
Therefore, some believe that schools in Taiwan should actively promote Taiwan’s local
dialects. __4__ Many also believe that more reference books and dictionaries, especially for the
aboriginal dialects, are needed.
With the help of the government and the efforts of Taiwan’s people, Taiwan’s local dialects
may not only survive but also continue to exist for a long time.
(A) They say that the teaching of local dialects should begin in kindergarten and continue through

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high school.
(B) The government promoted Mandarin and suppressed local dialects.
(C) For example, the population of Hakka speakers declines by about 5 percent each year.
(D) In Taiwan, some believe that the local Taiwanese, Hakka, and aboriginal dialects are all under a
similar threat.
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______
2. Rising nearly 1000 feet above the desert and measuring five miles around, Ayers Rock in the
Northern Territory of Australia is the world’s largest single rock. __1__ It was “discovered” in 1873
by a European explorer. Over the next hundred years, the rock became a popular tourist attraction.
Visitors happily tramped over its paths, making their way up to the summit to take in the view.
However, few people paid attention to the Aboriginal people who lived near the rock.
__2__ It is their most sacred site, a place of gods and ghosts. It is believed to be the very center
of the world’s energy, where many god-like beings lived in the “dreamtime,” the time of Earth’s
creation. __3__ Many patterns on the rock have special significance, such as being the actual body
parts or weapons of supernatural creatures, frozen in time when the creation age ended.
Recognizing the importance of the site to the Aborigines, in 1985, the Australian government
made them the legal owners of the rock. __4__ Out of respect for their ancestors, the Aborigines
don’t climb to the top of the rock, and they prefer tourists not to do so. Although many tourists
ignore their wishes and climb the rock, more and more people are treating the site with more
respect, coming there to wonder at this mysterious place. They enjoy the myths and culture of the
traditional guardians of this magic rock.
(A) Aborigines have preserved ancient cave paintings there, describing myths from the dreamtime.
(B) It contains some minerals which cause it to magically change colors, from deep blue to glowing
red, according to the time of day.
(C) The Aborigines call the rock Uluru and it has a central place in their mythology.
(D) The Aborigines themselves now manage it as a National Park, maintained by tourism and
government grants.
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______
3. More than 100 species of animals in Australia are in danger of becoming extinct because of
the devastating bushfires that swept the country in 2019 and 2020. Many of these animals are very
rare. __1__ More than one billion animals have died. Many more may die because their habitats
have been destroyed.
Pictures of koalas and kangaroos trapped in burning forests dominated social media during the
crisis. __2__ Insects that provide a major food source for Australian animals were entirely wiped
out by the fires. In an attempt to aid the surviving animals, the government dropped vegetables from
helicopters for them to eat once the fires were out. __3__ Their habitats will need to be rebuilt. In
some cases, animals will need to be captured and bred to make sure their species do not die off.
While Australia’s forests and wildlife have experienced bush fires for decades, the extent of this
one was much greater. __4__ Australia will need to address this issue by taking steps to preserve its
unique animal population.
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(A) But many other plants and animals that are equally important to the ecosystem were also
(B) Climate change is creating conditions that indicate more fires similar to this one will happen in
the future.
(C) It is probable that a small animal called the dunnart that only lives in Australia may be gone
(D) In the future, it will be vital to provide protection for these animals from other animals that live
in the wild.
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______

九、閱讀測驗 (素養題)(共 0 分,每題 0 分)

1. Chart A: The life expectancy (生命期望值) of the indigenous people in Canada, New Zealand, and America

ears old)

Chart B: Weekly household income of Australian indigenous people and non-indigenous people

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( 1 ) ( ) What can we tell from the Chart A: The Australian Aboriginal Life Expectancy? Please check off (V) correct
Statements based on Chart A above Check off (V)
The aboriginal people generally live a longer life than other Australians.
Aboriginal peoples in North America, New Zealand and Australia live up to 70 years.
The Canadian Inuit enjoy the shortest life expectancy among the indigenous people worldwide.
The average life expectancy of Australians is longer than that of the Australian indigenous people by more
than 10 years.
( 2 ) ( ) According to Chart B, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Generally, the non-indigenous Australians work harder than the indigenous ones.
(B) Generally, the non-indigenous Australians earn more money than the indigenous groups.
(C) On average, the weekly income of an Australian individual is 1000 dollars weekly.
(D) Many indigenous Australians are out of employment.
( 3 ) ( ) A blogger claims (聲稱) that the Australian indigenous people have shorter life expectancy due to the
following factors. Which of the following factors can be supported by Chart B?
(A) Poverty. (B) Poor health and nutrition. (C) Low education level. (D) Hidden racism.
2. There are many things in history that, when we look back, seem beyond belief. Such

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examples can be seen in Australia and North America.
In Australia, during 1920s and 1970s, mostly aboriginal children were separated from their
family and put into settlements that were like prison camps. The children were called “The Stolen
Generations.” The reason for this unfair policy was to preserve the Western culture of the
colonizers. However, it has done permanent harm to the Stolen Generations.
In the United States, a similar policy was in place from 1790 to 1920. During that time, Native
Americans were torn apart from their culture. They were expected to take on European-American
practices instead. Children were placed in boarding schools where they were forced to speak
English, wear Western clothing, and give up their native religions.
While it is difficult to understand how much these children suffered, these dark times in history
need to be realized and studied. Colonizers look upon native peoples as not civilized because of
their traditional practices and ways of life.
Nevertheless, there are instances that still happen today. In modern Europe, waves of immigrants
from the Middle East have resulted in people viewing these refugees as inferior humans. This has
caused governments to make displaying religious symbols against the law, such as the Muslim
headscarf known as the burka. While not as terrible as family separation policies, it is nevertheless
an example of one culture forcing another culture to follow rules.
History has shown us these sad events, and we must try not to repeat them. As we move forward,
we must remind ourselves that all cultures deserve our respect, no matter how different they are
from our own.
( 1 ) ( ) Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) Racial Justice in Australia (B) History of Racial Movement
(C) Cultural Racism in the Past and Present (D) Impacts of Racial Discrimination
( 2 ) ( ) Which of the following statements about “The Stole Generation” is NOT true?
(A) It lasted about 50 years.
(B) The separation policy ended in 1970.
(C) The separation policy aimed to preserve the culture of the colonizers.
(D) Native American children were encouraged to preserve their aboriginal culture.
( 3 ) ( ) According to the passage, what does the author want the readers to do?
(A) To respect different cultures.
(B) To read the author’s books.
(C) To call for the government to take action.
(D) To assist the victims of racial discrimination.
( 4 ) ( ) What is the example mentioned in the passage as a religious symbol that has been banned?
3. Before 1970, Australian law made it difficult for non-white, non-Europeans to immigrate.
Australia’s first signs of hesitation to welcome foreign settlers can be traced back to the 1850s when
many Chinese went to Australia to take part in the gold rush. Twenty years later, Pacific Islanders,
people from the Oceanic regions of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia, came to work in the
sugar industry. Both of these waves of Asian immigration led to social conflict, and immigrants
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were regarded as a source of problems. However, white immigrants were welcome.
This reluctance to welcome foreigners was followed by rules to keep them out. The first was the
Immigration Restriction Act of 1901. Laws were based on both racial and economic factors, but
they showed a clear preference for Europeans. Asians were not welcome, especially during World
War II. Until the 1960s, most Australian leaders supported this policy. In the 1970s, the situation
began to change. Gradually the immigration laws were relaxed and greater equality was established.
Finally in 1975, the Racial Discrimination Act was passed. According to this law, rejecting
immigrants merely due to race is illegal.
Today, Australia is still made up largely of British and Irish descendants (後裔). However, the
racial and ethnic mix of people has improved a great deal since the changes of the 1970s and the
cultural diversity of the community continues to grow.
( 1 ) ( ) According to the passage, when did Australians start to be more open-minded to a
multicultural society?
(A) In the 1850s. (B) In the 1870s. (C) In the 1960s. (D) In the 1970s.
( 2 ) ( ) What is the author’s tone in the last paragraph?
(A) Confused. (B) Depressed. (C) Angry. (D) Positive.
( 3 ) ( ) According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The Racial Discrimination Act was not successful.
(B) Asian immigration to Australia was not welcome during WWI.
(C) Today, Australia is mainly composed of white and black.
(D) The Immigration Restriction Act limited non-white immigration to Australia.
( 4 ) ( ) What does “these waves of Asian immigration” in the first paragraph refer to?

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“The trauma and the impact of what happened will stay with me the rest of my life.”
--Eva Jo Edwards
Eva is one of the survivors of the Stolen Generations. Her brother committed suicide due to the
impacts of removal.

“Sometimes I ask, why has all this happened to me? We lost everything.”
-- Bill Simon
Because of the early separation from his family, Simon finds it frustrating to have healthy
relationships with others in his life.
( 1 ) ( ) According to the infographics, which of the following is true about the Stolen Generations?
(A) The survivors find it rather easy to reconnect with their biological families when they
grow up.
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(B) More than half of them live in New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia.
(C) A slightly higher proportion of Stolen Generations survivors are men.
(D) Most Stolen Generations survivors can get high-paying jobs.
( 2 ) ( ) What does the author use to support the idea that lots of Stolen Generations survivors are
living with adversity?
(A) The author’s personal experiences. (B) The words of the witnesses.
(C) The survivors’ stories and statements. (D) Research reports.
( 3 ) ( ) Which of the following words is closest in meaning to “accessing”?
(A) Retreating. (B) Approaching. (C) Offering. (D) Explaining.
( 4 ) ( ) Based on the infographics, how many Stolen Generations survivors are in South Australia
in 2018? __________

十、合併及改寫句子(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. Megan is very little.
She is not able to go out on her own.
(用 too . . . to . . . 合併)
2. Nelson lost his brother and sister in a car crash.
This left a mental scar in his mind.
(用 which 合併)
3. May gave birth to all of her three children in this hospital.
(用 It was in this . . . 改寫)
4. The parents sent their son to a boarding school.
They thought that he could get a quality education there.
(用. . . , V-ing 合併)
5. if I / tell Mom / truth / I / would have been / forgive
6. made my dream / a second chance / I wouldn’t have / given myself / come true / If I hadn’t
7. Danny was depressed / and had / which affected / mental problems, / his physical health
8. it is / global warming / cause / the temperature / rise / and / the sea ice / melt

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9. the customer / was made / wait / one hour / before / his meal / be ready
10. I did not study hard, so I didn’t enter my dream college.
(用 If I . . . 改寫)

十一、引導式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. 法律之下,無論種族、宗教或性別,人人皆應受到平等對待。
Everyone should be treated equally under the law, _____________ _____________ race, religion,
or sex.
2. 那個搖滾樂團在青少年間的高人氣令人難以置信。他們演唱會的門票總是在短短幾秒內
The rock band is popular _____________ _____________ among teenagers. The tickets to its
concert always sell out within seconds. 
3. 我父親告訴我,我不應該為自己感到羞恥。
My father told me that I shouldn’t have _____________ _____________ _____________ myself.
4. Steve 太過膽小而不敢抱怨這令人難以忍受的工作環境。
Steve was _____________ timid _____________ complain about this _____________ working
5. 要是我當初沒有接下那份工作,我就會在父親過世前花多一點時間陪伴他。
If I hadn’t taken that job, I _____________ _____________ _____________ more time with my
father before he passed away.
6. 民眾希望新的政策能對空氣品質有正面的影響。
People hope that the new policy will have a _____________ _____________ _____________ the
air quality.
7. 無庸置疑地,溝通不良常會導致誤解和爭執。
There is no doubt that poor communication often _____________ _____________
misunderstandings and arguments. 
8. 這次的這場地震所造成的損傷令人難以置信。
The damage and loss caused by the earthquake this time were _____________ _____________.
9. Scott 和 Kelly 如此相愛,沒有什麼可以拆散他們。
Scott and Kelly love each other so much that nothing can _____________ _____________ the

十二、整句式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. 如果我們提早打掃好家裡,客人就不會看到亂七八糟的客廳了。

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2. 人人都應該受到公平對待,不分宗教、種族、和膚色。
3. 確保我們的後代能生活在健康的環境中,是每一個人的責任。
4. 那項不公平的種族政策拆散許多家庭。
5. 那位多年來飽受精神疾病之苦的歌手在昨天晚上自殺了。

十三、單句翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
( 1 ) 這位母親希望她的女兒能被美國家庭收養。
( 2 ) 原因是她希望女兒過更好的生活。
( 1 ) 我的奶奶多年來飽受癌症之苦。
( 2 ) 如果她早點接受治療,或許她的情況會改善很多。
( 1 ) 言論自由是一個人的人權之一。
( 2 ) 我們應該尊重不同的意見,而不是批評它們。
( 1 ) 這款電動遊戲受歡迎的程度令人難以置信。
( 2 ) 許多人願意用高價買這款遊戲。
( 1 ) 在過去,黑奴必須在難以忍受的環境工作下工作,且被糟糕的對待。
( 2 ) 他們甚至因為說他們的母語而被懲罰。

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