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Aklan Polytechnic College

Kalibo, Aklan
College of Nursing


Predisposing factor: Precipitating factor:

Age: 40 years old Stress from work

AOG: 33 weeks


Low amniotic fluid


Umbilical cord

Oxygen supply is

Poor development
of lung tissue

Fetal death in
Aklan Polytechnic College
Kalibo, Aklan
College of Nursing

The predisposing factors associated with the fetal death in utero are the age of the mother which

is 40 years old and the age of gestation of 33 weeks, while the precipitating factor is stress from work.

Advanced maternal age reduced the efficiency of the placenta. When the placenta is not functioning

properly the supply of nutrients and blood to the fetus may be disrupted which can decrease amniotic

fluid levels causing oligohydramnios. Another function of the amniotic fluid is to cushion the baby’s

umbilical cord. Low levels of amniotic fluid, therefore leads to umbilical cord compression, which

obstructs the flow of the blood and oxygen and nutrients to the baby. When the umbilical cord is

compressed more severely or for a longer period of time, the blood and oxygen supply to the baby can

become significantly impaired. This will lead to poor development of the lung tissue and can lead to fetal


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