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Thanksgiving-part 2

1.harvest-the gathering of food crops

2.tradition-custom,belief,ritual,or practice,often from the past

3.reunion-meeting of a family or group ,often to celebrate

4.feast-great meal with a lot of foods

5.colony(ies)-a group of people living in a new territory with astrong ties or links to their parent
country;the link is usually at the level of the government

6.New Word-phrase,name given by early explorers to the Western Hemisphere and specifically
North America

7. Pilgrim(s)- member of a religious group that founded a colony in North America

8. pumpkin(s)- large orange squash-like vegetable

9. tart- adj. sweet and sour taste combined

10. tribes- ethnic, genetic, or language group

11. ancestor(s)- relative who lived in the past, such as grandparent

12. acknowledgement- statement or gesture that shows appreciation

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