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Week 4 Course Skills Review

Cheat Sheet
This week you showcase your English language skills through your ability to

 Work and communicate in teams

 Present your business story in a concise and engaging manner
 Create graphic organizers that communicate an intended message

Word Choice
Idiomatic language /culture/ English for Marketing and Sales Week 3 Instructor Video 4
 Tips
 Use your company’s personality and story
 Play games with words
 Use humor if you’re able
 Use alliteration and rhyming
 Write with parallel structure
 Be very careful with translations

Concise language /Social Media/ English for Marketing and Sales Week 3 Instructor Video 3

 The information found in the video is useful for more than social media.
 Write in active voice
 Don’t overstuff with fluff
 Use vivid language
 Take out, shorten, condense, and make every word count (matter).

Charts and Graphs English for Marketing and Sales Week 4 Instructor Video 3
 Understand and interpret information
 Using words and phrases already familiar to audience
 Use estimations when appropriate.
 Choose the most important information to point out. Don’t describe everything.

Charts and graphs Examples of how graphics were improved to better communicate

The Power of Because

 Using the word “because” is persuasive
 “Because” can be used in the beginning or middle of sentences

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