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Gordon l Knighton III


Can O'Your Town

So the first major hurdle was sizing. The application I was using was just my computer's paint app.Kritta, My
go to drawing application is not very great with moving shapes around and I foresaw a decent amount of that
(I was right in that regard). However, the paint app I was using used pixels instead of cm to change the size of
the canvas. I went to Google, found a conversion rate and got the size I wanted that way. I spent a lot of time
on the company logo and am actually pretty proud of it but when I finished the project I couldn't help but feel
like it looked like a generic brand label.

Additional note: I feel that sizing the label in post would have made a profound difference. The canvas was so
small that a lot of my work was limited. The text could only be so small after all. If I found the size ratio and
bumped it up I would have been able to add better detail and then adjust the size before printing

We Obviously utilized 1.6 creative communicator in this project as well however we also dabbled in 1.3
knowledge constructor as we researched the ingredients for our town.

A marketing or art class can obviously use a similar project to build a can for a legit company to help them
use their skills in a way that will benefit some future jobs. But this could be done in some elementary schools
as a can o'Me have them build a can for themselves as sort of an introduction project, can (pun intentional)
even have them present their can and explain some of their ingredients.

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