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Education the second chance

Should we give them another chance?, it is known that a person who was in prison had a difficult
life, as a result that person Will have a hard way in his life, he Will have less opportunities to get a
job and make a better contribition to society, for that reason education is the best opción to help this
people to improve.

Despite this some people do not have intention to change , they do not have regrets for their actions,
therefore would be dangerous give them another chance, besides the principal reason for the crime
is the lack of opportunities and education, if we had a Good education that give us Good knowledge
and also give us ethics and values sice we were kids, there would be no crime, because with a Good
education and Good opportunities to work, have Good health, a home and a family people would
not need anythig else.

As a result we would be people with great values and we would have no need to hurt others or use
crime to supply our needs, in my opinión crime is born due to a country, a goverment that does not
give people the rigths they diserve, in consecuence people in their ignorance search a way to
survive even if it is not the correct one, for that reason I think the solución is to educate the society.

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