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mai ópinion of leving in the cauntry said is biutiful and you can live pisfole because you can

breth fresh er, disconnéct you from civilizeichon and the technology. It is aso good for your
jelth and helps you to organaiz your thaats.

Bot leving in the city somtimes you get estrest by the noes of transporteishon, pollution, caim
and so on. Bot everytheng is not bad, we can aso ruleit with people and eyucate arrzelvz to

The city I visited was Huaraz to visit a friend neymd Meylin, we visited several plaices but I did
not love it. Then we baat tickets to go to the logun Paron is andautudly one of the most
beautiful things you can see.

Our transportation orraid and the ferst thing we saa was the logun so, if you want you can stay
in the surroundings and take a pictures or rent a bowtt and go for a ride.

Ther is aso a lukout point for which it is necessary to climb the mount. This road is nerrow. My
friend was not used to haiking or the altitud affected her a bit during the ascent. Aso, there is a
part where ther are sevro rocks that can and do make access a bit difficult. jauever, our gaid
heulpd as a lot with that.

Fainilly, the view is breittaking! It takes your breth away and you don't want to livf because it is
cait impresev and beautiful. Every chens I get with my friend and we have a lot of fun.

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