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The environment is very important to our planet. Not only the environment human beings live in has a
great impact on their particular lives, but on the entire society too.

In my opinion, people should be more evironmentally friendly, for the greater good.

First of all, the environment is crucial to our lives and we should protect it at our best. In this case, the
education plays a big role in the evolution of an individual and could be a solution to stop the
degradation of the environment. When you are young, you learn any kind of lesson faster than you
normally would at an older age. This piece of information is very important because it can alter the
course of our existence on this planet. If teachers or parents teach children to respect the environment
and understand the impact they can have on it, the planet would be a better place. The children will
learn fast how important the enviroment really is and they will teach others to do the same in the
future. “The learner becomes the teacher”, it is an old saying which synthesize the fact above.

Second of all, another idea to influence people to be more environmentally friendly would be the social
media. Everyone knows nowadays there are “influencers” which motivate people or help people in their
own ways. They have a big audience and can have a big impact on the community. “A change can’t
happen with just one flower”, but in this particular case, it can, because of the people. When people
come togheter to support the same cause, they are undefeated.

In conlusion, the people should be more environmentally friendly, it is our duty to protect this planet in
order to live happily ever after.

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