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The Solemn evening Mass 675 ————————— haec : mdjor autem hé-rum est c4-ri-tas, V. Nunc autem 5 . ae (india 5 7 ménent fides, spes, c4-ri-tas, tri- a haec: * ma-jor autem hé- 2 aoe oe rum est cé-ri- tas, Mane- ant in vé- bis, VIIL The following antiphon and its verses are never omitted. It is begun towards the end of the Washing of the feet ; some of the preceding antiphons may be omitted. : Age a U -bi cd-ri-tas et Amor, Dé-us ibi est. 7. Congrega- t =—t a SoS =f aa vit nos in dnum Christi 4mor.W.Exsultémus, et in {pso | = Sa a a ae ty jucundémur. V7. Time- 4mus, et amémus Dé-um vivum. — a oe V. Et ex cérde di-ligémus nos sin- aa a est. V. Simul ergo as =t py cum in Gnum congregémur:¥.Ne nos ménte di- vidamur 676 Maundy Thursday ———— f cave-Amus. V. Céssent jurgi-a maligna, céssent Ii-tes.V.Et — ~ - ae rs ean in médi-o:ndéstri sit Christus Dé- us, aoe ae Ant. Ubi cari-tas et Amor, Dé-us i-bi est. V, Simul quo- fae que cum be-4-tis vide-4mus, V. Glo-ri-Anter valtum ti- um, t = oe 1) Christe Dé-us: V.Gaudi-um, quod est imménsum, atque = Pal Ereae es os 7 7 ee Scorers prébum. V7. Saécula per infinf- ta saecu- 16- rum. Amen. 20. When the feet-washing is finished, the celebrant cashes and dries his hands, saying nothing. He takes off the towel ; all put on their maniples and the celebrant his chasuble. They return to the middle of the altar, and stand turned towards the people ; while the celebrant, with hands joined, sings to the ferial tone B (or the ancient simple tone) : Pater noster. in silence. . Et ne nos indticas in tentatiénem. Sed libera nos a malo. R. Y. Tu manddsti mandata téa, Démine. RY. Custodiri nimis. Y. Tu lavasti pédes discipulérum tuérum. R. y. R. Opera mdnuum tudrum ne despicias. Domine, exdudi oratisnem méam. Et clamor méus ad te véniat.

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