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Vaccination Covid in Indonesia

In mid-2021, it is known that the Covid-19 pandemic experienced a spike in cases. But fortunately it also
coincided with the government's program to provide vaccines to the public. With the COVID-19 virus, which has
made the public and even the government itself look for ways to make this pandemic end quickly, various efforts
have been made. One of them is bringing in a vaccine that costs trillions to solve the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, there are still pros and cons from the public regarding this vaccine, some support and doubt how
effective this vaccine is, and some even refuse to be vaccinated. This anxiety is something that is natural because
of the lack of information obtained by the public about the COVID-19 vaccine (misleading).
Even though the government has made vaccines free for the community. Many people still doubt the
effectiveness of the Covid vaccine. Some even firmly refuse to be vaccinated on the grounds that the covid vaccine
can make people sick and even die. There are also those who refuse to be vaccinated on the grounds that they do
not believe in covid 19. They think that covid is just a government conspiracy to suppress the population.
However there are also many people who support this covid vaccination. Most of the medics and WHO
believe that this vaccine is one of the most effective ways to eradicate covid 19. Vaccination is a preventive way to
reduce or break the chain of transmission of the COVID-19 virus. With this vaccine, it is hoped that the spread of
the COVID-19 virus will continue to decline so that Indonesia can be free from COVID-19.
Basically vaccination is the best way to break the chain of spread of covid 19. For people who refuse to be
vaccinated should be more educated about the importance of vaccines so that the body is protected from the
dangers of the covid 19 virus. Thus if all Indonesian people obey and want to be vaccinated, it is not impossible if
Indonesia will be free from the covid 19 virus and Indonesia will consider covid to be an ordinary flu virus.

Nama :alfina fitria nur rahmawati

NIM : 20.002
Kelas : 1B

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