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Giang trinh bién dich va phién dich tiéng Anh nl 6- The office of th ¢ e presidency em “onsti Convention only after mich wen A exisied 10 u scussion, At that time, th ee San which to pattern the presidency. Moa et Pa were unacceptable to the recently ee aallee eure a ort and Roman republics er A le leadership in committeclike organizations. But these, too, were feared by the representatives as tending to paralyze action. 7- Appointed to the Supreme Clinton and confirmed by a 96-3 Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the second female, sixth Jewish, and 10" member of the Court. When announcing her nomination, Clinton called her "the Thurgood Marshall of the women's movement," and “neither liberal nor conservative" but instead a moderate and well-respected jurist who would be “a force for consensus buildin nthe Supreme Court, 2" on the Court. g- The first African-American 10 sit 0 Thurgood Marshall was nominated to the high bench by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967. His appointment symbolized the po ic president litics of the times. A Democrati and a Democratic Congress has recently pursued through the first major civil rights legislation in more than a century, striking down barri i iti minorities and women. Marshal than-life metaphor for that con politics. 9- Christia on Repub! Bush in ! take very © social issues SUC as homosexuality. In 1993 the ill Clinton. who Ww Court in 1993 by President Bill vote in the Senate, Justice in fundamentalists have exercised increasing influence lican party politics. ‘Although they supported George 992 and Bob Dole in 1996, they forced the party to onservative positions 1 its rm, especially on cl abortion, school praychs and Christian right had a new political much of theil as hostile (© Giang trinh bién dich va phién dich ti¢ng Anh Don vil: CHINH TRI (POLITICS) Bail: Se aieeal | | Nh§n vat (Political People) ——__‘Nian vat (Political People) A-Titvung Acting Chairman: quyén Chi tich Alternate commissioner: Uy vién dy khuyét Auomey-General: BO trudng Tu php (Mj) Central Party Commissioner: Uy vién Trung usng Bang Chairman of National Assembly: Chi tich Quéc hi (VN) Chief of Office: Trudng phong Commander-in-Chief of the Military: Téng Tu lénh Quan doi Deputy Head of Office: Phé phong General Secretary of the Party: Téng Bi thy Ding Minister of Education and Training: BO trudng Giéo duc va Dao tao Minister of Justice: BO trudng Tu phap Minister of Public Health: B6 truding Yt Minister of Transport: BO ung Giao thong Van tai Municipal People's Committee: Uy ban Nhin din Thanh phd) National Assembly member: Dai biéu quéc hdi (VN) President: Tong thong Representative: Dan biéu Secretary of Defense: BO trudng Quéc phing (My) Secretary of State: BO truting BO Ngoai giao (Mj) Secretary-General of the United Nations: Téng Thu ky Lign higp quéie Senator: Thugng nghi si The Speaker: Chil tich Ha vién (My) UN High Commissioner: Cao by Undersecretary: The trudng Vice-President: Pho Tong thong B-Dich nhiing cau sau day sang Viét ngii: J- Representative Jack Kemp, a New York Repubican, influential advocate of conservative budgetary reforins a plan to reduce taxes, written with Senator William, Roth, helped pave the way for congressional approval of Presi adsat Rear! 198] tax-reduction proposal. 2. Presidents often use commercial public relations techni Ues to win support for their policy initiatives. President Bush, for example, used the heroic backdrop of the Iwo Jima Memorial . which celebrates U.S Marines raising a flag on the Pacific island during World War II -to gain public approval for a constitutional amendment banning flag burning. 3- The White House staff consists of the key aides the president sees daily-the chief of staff, congressional liaison people, press secretary, national security advisor, and a few other administrative and political assistants. 4- Members of Congress are responsive to the people, if the People make it clear what they want. In response to popular demands Congress established a program in 1988 to shield the elderly against the catastrophic costs associated with acute illness. In 1989, in Tesponse to complaints about higher Medicare premiums, Congress abolished most of what it had created the previous year, 5- On some issues, members of the partics stick together like # marching band. They are most cohesive when Congress '§ clecting its official leaders. A vote for the Speaker of the House le ia Straight party-line vote, with every Democrat on one S! and every Republican on the other, 6- The office of the presidency emerged from the Constitutional Convention only afier much discussion. At that time, there existed no models on which to pattern the presidency. Most contemporary governments were unacceptable to the recently independent Americans. The old Greek and Roman republics offered models of multiple leadership in commiticelike organizations. But these, too, were feared by the representatives as tending to paralyze action. 7- Appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993 by President Bill Clinton and confirmed by a 96-3 vote in the Senate, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the second female, sixth Jewish, and 10" member of the Court. When announcing her nomination, Clinton called her "the Thurgood Marshall of the women's movement," and "neither liberal nor conservative" but instead a moderate and well-respected jurist who would be "a force for consensus building" on the Court. The first African-American to sit on the Supreme Court, Thurgood Marshall was nominated to the high bench by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967. His appointment symbolized the politics of the times, A Democratic president and a Democratic Congress has recently pursued through the first major civil rights legislation in more than a century, striking down barriers and expanding opportunities for minorities and women. Marshall's career stands as a larger- than-life metaphor for that controversial period in American politics. 9- Christian fundamentalists have exercised increasing influence on Republican party politics. Although they supported George Bush in 1992 and Bob Dole in 1996, they forced the party to take very conservative positions in its platform, especially on social es such as abortion, school prayer, and homosexuality. In 1993 the Christian right had a new political opponent in Bill Clinton, who was hostile to much of their - Duong Ngoc Din a 4 ao nd pragmatic and whose secular and prag Vio pie a of their belicfs. antihe re relatively CaSY to lobby. They are Open an 10-Legistators + elected representatives they have to be Sensity accessible: estoy particularly when those pressures come to outside pres Lobbyists can also provide things tha from their constituencies. legislators need and want as they carry out their legislative responsibilities: information about how legislation will affect their constituents, political support for the legislation, and financial backing in the next election. For these reasons lobbyists are generally welcome or at least tolerated in the hall of legislatures and in law-makers' offices. Ging trinh bien dich va phign dich tigng Anh 2 ‘, NA phiendich ti@ngAnh 5 Bai2: |___Cvetu Structures) A-TU vung Agency: co quan American Bar Association: Luat su Doan Hoa Ky Bicameral legislature: ché d9 Ip phap luong vien Bureau: cuc, vu Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): Co quan Tinh béo Trung ong Committee on Crime Prevention and Control: Uy ban Phong chong Toi pham Committee: dy ban Council of Ministers: Hi déng BO trung Council: hdi déng Department of Land and Housing: Phong Nha dit Department of Rural Development: Ban Phat trién N6ng thon Department of Treasury: BO Ngan khé (My) Department of Urban Development: Ban Phat trién DO thi Department: phong. ban Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA): Co quan Phong chéng Ma ty Education Service: Sé Gido duc Environmental Protection Agency: Co quan Bio vé Méi trutng Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): Cuc Diéu tra Lién bang Federal bureaucracy: hé théng hanh chinh lién bang Federal Reserve System: Kho Du trit Lién bang Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Co quan Kiém dinh Thye phim va Dude phim 2 Service: S6 Thue phim y. ice: T6ng cuc Buu ss os Food and Nutrition ‘on General Postal Serv of Representatives: Ha Vién (Vien Din Biguy My House 1g ién erior: BO NOi vu (bay gid chuyéy yp, Ministry of the Interior: BO : (bay gi yen thank . . Anz Ministry of Public Security ; stry: bd i Neal Aeronautics and Space Administration (NA: al nd:Space “Admit Quan tri Nganh Hang khong va Khong gian National Assembly: Quéc HGi (Viét Nam) SA): Cy an Office of Budget Planning and Evaluation: Phong Qui hoach Nei sdch va Dinh gid . Office of Personnel Management: Phong Té chic Cain bo. People’s Committee: Uy ban Nhan dan Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Assosiation (PMA): Hiép hdi Bao ché vin dong hanh lang chinh cho cdc cong ly dude Police Headquarters: Tong nha Canh sit Public Security Headquarters: S@ COng an (Vict Nam) Securities and Exchange Commission: Uy ban Kiém tra Thi trving Chitng khodn Separation of powers: sig phan quyén Small Business U phip The Legislative: Lap phap The Senate: Thudng Vien ( The Supreme Court: Téi Supreme Court Ia eg quan Vién Thugng Nghi Si) ; ay. Te Cao Phap vién (trong hé théng Hoa cao nhit ca ngdnh tw php) | _Giding trinh bien dich va phien aien ne, 2 Hén dich va phién dich tigng Anh Z | B-Dich nhting cau sau day sang Viet ng@: I- oat eto of Powers is embodied in the Constitution's. er egislative power to Congress, executive and other powers to the president, and judicial power to the Supreme Court and other federal courts, . the president, and the judiciary share various powers ; ‘© that they check and balance cach other both directly and indirectly. 3- In the spring of 1973 the Senate Sclect Committee on Presidential Activities of 1972, chaired by Senator Sam Ervin of North Carolina, began its investigation before a national television audience. Nixon's former counsel, John Dean, became the star witness, revealing much of the president's involvement in the cover-up. 4- The First Continental Congress met in 1774 to pass resolutions denouncing the English Parliament and Crown. In 1776 the Second Continental Congress drafied a resolution-the Declaration of Independence-that proclaimed the American colonies to be free and independent states. 5- Central to the Constitution is the idea of popular sovereignty, which holds that government is based on the consent of the people and is accountable to the people for its actions. From this notion follows the idea of limited government, the restriction of government authority to express powers, which are powers specified and delegated to the national government by the Constitution. 6- Since 1962 the Food and Drug Administration has had the power to order drugs shown to be ineffective or dangerous removed from the market. When profits are high, the drug industry has an obvious motive for attempting to prevent such bans. To kcep its profitable products on the market, the major its major rug compa uring Association. ‘ contributes to ceutical Manufact J in the Constitution and did presidency of George Want aig ly to support or oppose Shingto : the assumption by this fig jutionary War debt, the ‘an loa poried 2008! protect domestic industry. ‘ation of fablishment of a national bank to regulate and the con's supporters included commercial jpureny rs, bankers. creditors, and Secte debtors, and other less Cae ed him. Those who saw their ae ‘on's policies turned to Thoke m his cabinet position to bal 7- Parties are not mtione prior 10 jts adoption and the They came into being large administration's policies: nt of the Revol est Washingt manufacture! merchants, whereas farmers, labore! members of socicly oppos adverscly affected by Washingt Jefferson, Who had resigned fro the royal opposition. & The political groupings that emerged during this peri giffercd in their foreign policy orientations. ‘Those Tie the administration, the so-called Federalists, tended to be 7 pro-British, they supported the treaty that Amba: had negotiated to end the official state of hos Ena and its former colonies. Jefferson's supporters, Deport Republicans or simply Republicans, opposed it. ee 7 ; he Jay Treated was ratified by the Senate, | gendered a partisan debate and vote, the first party vote if Congress. 9- Our nation's capi sisi: Oh erie has become a hub of interest. gt0¥? groups in action icra day itis possible observe press attend congressional ‘ny forums. In the moming yo" could interest groups testifyi carings in which you are sure 10S At the Supreme C ifying for and against proposed Ic yislatio™ ‘ourt you might stop to watch a public igter™® known as Giang trinh bién dich va phien dich ti¢ng Anh 2 lawyer arguing for stricter enforcement of environmental regulations. Take a break for lunch at a nice Washington restaurant and you may well sce a lobbyist entertaining a member of Congress. 10-The rallying call for groups demanding more equality has been civil rights, which are policies that extended basic rights to groups historically subject to discrimination. The civil rights umbrella has helped protect many groups from discrimination. The first and only place in which the idea of equality appears in the Constitution is in the Fourteenth Amendment, one of the three amendments passed after the Civil War (The Thirteenth abolishes slavery, and the Fifteenth amendment extends the right to vote to blacks--black males over twenty-one, that is). The amendment forbids the state from denying to anyone “equal protection of the law.".

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