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Annika Desando

Natalie Atkin

GART 4000

26 November 2021

Week 12 Reflection

Throughout the semester, I have learned so much about what it means to be a leader.

Before taking this course, I had some leadership knowledge but was never given the opportunity

to apply it. While listening to the class lectures, participating in activities, and facilitating

breakout groups, I have learned many skills that I will continue to use in the future.

As a mentor, a skill that I have been working on is my adaptability. When planning a

lesson, it is hard to guess what the outcome will be (participation, attendance, whether the group

will enjoy the activity). Because of this, I have learned to adjust on the spot as well as create

modifications to my lessons to make sure that my lesson will run smoothly.

Communication is another skill that I have been working on this semester. As a mentor, it

is important to communicate instructions properly so that mentees can succeed in the course.

During my experience as a mentor, I had the opportunity to learn how to properly communicate

with my mentees as well as communicate their questions and needs to the professor.

Along with communication, this course has fostered empathy. My mentees are all going

through different things in their lives, so it is important that I keep that in mind while leading my

group. This means to be more understanding as well as listening to my mentees.

Being a mentor and taking this course has fostered many useful leadership skills. I had

the opportunity to experience and actively learn how to use these skills in a meaningful way. I

have enjoyed my time in this course and will take these skills with me in the future.

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