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You Must Change, You Must Succeed

If you want to succeed then you must change, here, extreme honesty is mission critical in this
it must be non-negotiable. The reason you next section.
invested in this program was because what
you’ve been doing hasn’t been working, so you Below I want you to write down 5 behaviours
know you need to change. or attitudes that you MUST STOP and 5
behaviours and attitudes you MUST START in
The thing is most people aren’t honest with order to become the person you know you can
themselves and create external excuses as to be. These can be anything from mindset to
why they’re aren’t where they should be. The behavioural related things, for example “I must
reason is simple, your behaviours and mindset stop procrastinating” or “I must stop sleeping
don’t match your goals, lets change it. in” or “I must start eating real nutritious food”
or “I must start prioritising my health and
I want you to do some serious self-reflection fitness”.

my 5 must stop behaviours and attitudes

my 5 must stop behaviours and attitudes

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