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Ezra Linn G.

Navacilla 01 October 2021

BS Pharmacy 3A
Reflection about Body Mass Index

The BMI is a weight-to-height ratio that tells you how healthy you are. It's an
excellent technique to see if your weight is in proportion to your height in a healthy
way. In fact, knowing your BMI can assist you and your doctor in determining any
potential health concerns you may face if it falls outside of the safe range. BMI might
help you figure out how much body fat you have, it doesn't take into account your
age, gender, ethnicity, or even muscle mass. This is why BMI isn't a reliable indicator
of health for some people, such as those with higher-than-average muscle mass or
those whose body composition is skewed for other reasons. It's also not a good way
to figure out what's a healthy weight for the elderly, youngsters, pregnant women, or
even athletes. As the health care providers strive to improve an individual's lifestyle,
the BMI is only a small part of the puzzle, and it should not be regarded as the only
determinant of whether or not that person is underweight or overweight.

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