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This essay talks about the experimental workshop of Communication Skills and Group

Dynamics on 16/11. The usual prisoner's dilemma is set up such that both units, which are
either individuals or groups, opt to minimize years of imprisonment at the expense of the
other. As a result, both parties are in a worse position than they would have been if they had
worked together in the decision-making process. Each group needs to present the concepts
learnt at the last of the lesson.

Instead of presenting the consequences of noncooperation directly, gaming provides

students a firsthand experience to learn the lesson behind. Putting this

The prisoner's dilemma is a decision-making conundrum in which two people acting in their
own self-interest do not generate the best result.

The Prisoner's Dilemma in Context

The prisoner's dilemma is a circumstance in which two parties who are separated and unable
to communicate must choose whether to cooperate. When both sides opt to cooperate, the
highest reward is received by both.

Individual motivations are overcome in favor of the collective good in solutions to prisoner's
dilemmas. This enables parties to devise long-term tactics that reward cooperation and punish

Another option is to create formal institutional mechanisms to change the incentives that
The Hong Kong confront
Polytechnic while making decisions. Finally, behavioral biases are likely to emerge
School of Nursing SN3715_2021
over time, undermining "rational" individual choice in prisoner dilemmas and leading groups
of people to "irrationally" pick outcomes that are really the most advantageous to everyone.

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