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The Effect of Puberty to the Interpersonal Relationship among Respondent

There are different effects of puberty to the interpersonal relationship among respondent. Which will have a
great impact. On developing of an individual among others relation.


Most of the respondent feel shy due to the reason of having some pimples on face. They tend to not socialize
with others because of their pimples. They usually feel that when someone is talking to them, they are not
interested to listen for a reason that someone is just stare at their pimples. They lose urge to socialize with others.

Lack of Confidence

Due to the presence of pimples on the face the presence of hair in the public area which causes you lower their
self-confidence even though we know that it is only normal because they ate in the stage of adolescent most of the
respondent experienced. This effect of puberty in socializing with others. They say that we must be proud in having
this kind of effect of puberty in our body due to the fact that it is normal and fine.


Most of the respondent are experiencing being irritated when they have some pimples on their face. They
become more stressful since they made it as their physical problem too. This causes them friend is affected too by
their irritability to themselves.


Teenage self-esteem is often affected by appearance – or by how teenagers think they look. As your child
develops, she might feel self-conscious about her physical appearance. She might also compare her body with those
of friends and peers. Most of the respondents said that when they have signs of puberty, they are being self-


Learners friends and peers might influence themselves, particularly their behavior, appearance, interests, sense
of self and self-esteem. They still have a big influence on long-term things like learners career choices, values and
morals. Some of the respondents said that their peer groups influences them a lot.

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