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1) Can you guess the missing numbers?

i. +2=5 ix. 2=6 xvii. 2+ 4=10

ii. 4 +¿ 11 x. 3=−9 xviii. 4 +3=7

iii. +6=4 xi. −4=−8 xix. 5−6=14

iv. 9+ ¿5 xii. −5=10 xx. 9+2=7

v. −2=5 xiii. 4=2 xxi. 3−2=31

vi. 14−¿ 11 xiv. 8=−2 xxii. 14−2=20

vii. −6=−8 xv. −10=−5 xxiii. 4−1=1

viii. 9−¿ 13 xvi. −9=3 xxiv. 9−9=6

2) Check if the suggested number is the solution...!!

a. Is for the equation 3 x+ 8=14 the solution x=3 ?

b. Is for the equation 5−3 x =8 the solution x=−1 ?

c. Is for the equation =x+3 the solution x=4 ?

3) Rewrite the equations to an equivalent form by using the inverse operation.

i. x +2=5 is equivalent to:

ii. x−6=−8 is equivalent to:

iii. 2 x+ 4=10 is equivalent to:

iv. 14−2 x=20 is equivalent to:

v. 2 x=6 is equivalent to:

vi. =3 is equivalent to:

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