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In the USA 44-th President was elected.

More than 50% of voters gave their votes for democrat Barak
Obama. The first Afro-American who has managed to find his way into the White House was
congratulated yesterday by his opponent John McCain, outgoing President George Bush, as well as world
leaders, including Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
The Democratic Party of the United States is celebrating victory on all fronts. Its presidential candidate
Barack Obama won more than half of the voter’s votes. The Democrats have also increased their
influence on Capitol Hill: according to the latest information, they will have five more legislatures in the
Senate (56) and 18 more in the House of Representatives (252).
Obama must be assumed the presidential post next month by the electors, who represent the 50 states and
the D.C. metropolitan area. But this is a formality. After all, the dark-skinned candidate has automatically
won the support of the electors in the states. He already has 338, though 270 would have been enough for
The amount of support for the Democrat is impressive. On the night of November 5, when it became clear
that Obama and vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden had won the most important of the swing states -
Ohio, Florida, Virginia - in the senator's hometown of Chicago, thousands of people waited for their idol
While some people shouted the Democrat's campaign slogan, "Yes, we can!" others cried. One black girl
dropped to her knees and prayed. According to statistics, the Illinois senator won 95 percent of the Afro-
American vote and two-thirds of the Spanish-speaking vote. More than 40 percent of whites, most women
and independent voters believed him. Obama personally thanked them all yesterday in Chicago's Grant
His victory speech was about 18 minutes long. In 21 months of campaigning, the longest and most
expensive in the country's history, much has already been said. Obama's campaign and the Democratic
Party leadership have spent almost twice as much as McCain - $745 million - on advertising. That's the
price of "the third child")) Obama, as the winner's wife Michelle called the campaign. The leader
promised that he would be president for all, and highlighted specifically the issue of the financial crisis,
saying that Wall Street cannot thrive while average citizens suffer. On foreign policy he said almost
nothing. (6.11.2008, Andrei Terekhov, Nezavisimaya Gazeta)

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