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KFC FCK & Comeback campaign

Ad Class Type Vehicle

FCK ad Print Newspaper Sun & Metro Paid
Colonel Broadcast TV Paid
- OOH Billboards Paid
- Digital Internet Youtube ad Owned
- Digital Internet Social media Owned +
- Print Newspaper Coupons Paid

After the chicken crisis and the closure of many o their restaurants, KFC faced serious
backlash and damage to their brand image as well as their sales dropping.

Main objectives of the campaign:

- Get sales back to pre-crisis level before the end of 2018

- Recover the loss of customers due to the crisis by the end of 2018
- Boost brand perception and generate positive buzz and conversation around the
brand by the end of 2018.

Measures of success:

- Brand index and buzz scores

- Sales levels
- Customer penetration scores
- Brand health metrics (Impression, quality, value, reputation, satisfaction,

Target Audience: Customers lost through the chicken shortage crisis

The FCK ad had a factual and rational appeal.

The tagline was focused on humour, to make kfc seem more human and that mistakes
happen to everyone. The copy was factual message, apologising for the shortage and
reassuring customers that they were doing everything within their power to rectify it.

The Colonel comeback campaign – Rational appeal

Focused on what made the brand great and the only reason the shortage could’ve
happened because they use fresh chicken
Brought back the colonel for the first time in years
11 herbs and spices
Fresh chicken
Reminding the viewer of everything they love about KFC
Message source ( Kelman, 1961)
Six models of advertising
Nyilasy and Reid (2009)
Do separate research for brand characters in advertising.

Mention that it is pr and that it’s a rebuild strategy

Tench and the yeomans

Model for crisis communication strategies

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