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Suitability factors

(Page 18), para65: For example, it is recommended that continuous wear time for tight-fitting (unpowered)
RPE is less than an hour, after which the wearer should take a break. Otherwise, the RPE can become
uncomfortable to wear, leading to loosening or removal of the mask in the work area. In these situations,
where RPE is required to be worn continuously for long periods, powered respirators or airline BA, for example
a loose-fitting facepiece such as a hood or helmet, are better options.

(Page 18), para 67 It is important to know that some pre-existing medical conditions (examples include
breathing disorders such as asthma, skin allergies, or even heart problems) may restrict or prevent some
workers wearing any RPE, or certain types of RPE. You will need to ensure that workers are fit to wear the
selected and required RPE. If unsure, you (the employer) should arrange for appropriate medical assessment.

(Page 55), Appendix 6, para 6: When in an airborne state, micro-organisms can be classed as particles, so they
can usually be removed by filter-type RPE. You should always use equipment fitted with the highest efficiency
filter possible (protection factor of at least 20) to control exposure down to the lowest levels.

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