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Whether your child is suspended or expelled from the school, it’s quite important to get things

back on track as soon as possible. Your child could face some long-lasting impacts on the
educational career as well as the mental state of mind.

Mental stability is quite important in the developmental stages of a child. Experiencing such
traumatic scenarios in school can create mental disturbance. A child can become a primary
victim of such a situation and his ability to perform in the future may get hindered.

Such punishments are legal and schools practice it quite often, but being a responsible parent,
you should know the legal aspects of dealing with the suspensions or expulsions in Ontario

There are high chances that the school authorities have made a mistakeful decision that can be
challenged in the legal grounds.

Contact an Education Lawyer

First of all, if you really want to get in-depth knowledge or if the case is of a nature that’s non-
negotiable, then you must consult an education lawyer. S/he would give you authentic and
credible solutions regarding the severity of your case.

However, schools follow a progressive discipline approach in order to groom a child’s positive
behavior - a behavior that’s socially acceptable.

In any case, consult an education lawyer for better understanding of the situation.

What is Suspension & Expulsion

The suspension includes the process of removing a student for a temporary time period. The
dates are usually mentioned and the suspension can range from one day to 20 days in Ontario.

Contrarily, the expulsion is a more severe form of suspension. The students are expelled from
the school without any time limit.

Suspension on the Basis of Time Frame

In the case of suspension for 1-5 days, the school is bound to send a homework package .
Students with a suspension of 6-10 days should expect to receive an academic program to
continue their learning.
Finally, the students with suspension of 11-20 days should also expect non-academic
components along with the academic components. This would help suspended students to
participate in the extracurricular activities to keep their momentum of learning new things fresh.

Education Act Outline

There are possible reasons why a child is expelled from the school. The primary reasons can be
the possession of a weapon within the school premises, committing robbery or sexual assault,
illegal drugs trafikking, and many other against-the-state voilations can lead a child to
permanent ban from the university.

All these violations can lead a child's career to a complete disaster. This is where the parents
need to be proactively. Hiring an education lawyer is one option, and having sufficient
knowledge about the process is yet another process to understand.

Parents can appeal to the Child and Family Services Review Board about the expulsion within
30 days of receiving an expulsion notice.

Improve Child's Behavior

If the suspension or expulsion is due to a non-negotiable act by a child, there’s a lot one can do
to turn a child’s odd behavior into a socially-acceptable one.

It is the responsibility of the school board to provide necessary resources (like Anger
Management) to promote positive behaviors within a child.

On the other hand, parents should focus on arranging frequent recreational activities for their
child in order to help them think creatively.

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