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Name : Sherina Adiyanti Putri

Class : TBI 4C
NIM : 12203183083

Exercise 1
1. Key firstly ordered his friends to wait until dark.
2. Before Key finishing his order, all of his friends died because they were shot.
3. The first order of Muller to his souldiers is search the hotel.
4. Muller thought he had killed all of the american army. He was sure that byy doing that, he
would bode well promotion.
5. Peele argued if Hitler was very inspirational.
6. Peele tried to interrupt Muller’s story because he knows that one of American army is still
7. Muller didn’t respond Peele’s second interrupt and kept telling his hitler.
8. Muller reminded Peele he would tell Hitler how uninterested Peele is in Muller’s story
jealousy thing because he was anoyed to Peele for hurt Peele’s feeling.
9. When Peele interrupted him for three times, Muller said that it was like someone spoke during
Cinema running. If someone keep interrupting it, he would kill the momentum.
10. Muller proved that all of those soldiers had been died by gun.
11. The last act that Muller taken after the last Peele’s interrupt is shoot Peele.
12. At the end of the video, Muller said that his story was all of about Hitler.

Exercise 2
1. e. anything
2. l. dark
3. h. the line
4. f. the hotel
5. i. position
6. d. inspiration
7. j. the mustache
8. b. story
9. a. some bread
10. k. a salute
11. c. the momentum
12. g. churlish

Exercise 3
1. 20
2. Messing
3. Roll
4. Play
5. War
6. War
7. Check
8. Wrath
9. Correctly
10. Mute
11. Answer
12. Asking
13. Four
14. Messed
15. Principal
16. Insubordinated

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