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2. What does the experience of Starbucks tell the readers about globalization?

They experience price instability and job insecurity because due to globalization, starbucks has 15,000
stores in 50 countries and there are many people seeking employment. Employers take advantage of
cheap labor and due to competition, some high-quality products differ in prices. No matter how the
World Trade Organization has tried to control price fluctuation, their efforts are not successful.

5. What are the negative effects of globalization?

it has had a few adverse effects on developed countries. Some adverse consequences of
globalization include terrorism, job insecurity, currency fluctuation, and price instability.


It is a significant problem in most developed countries. Due to worldwide integration, people travel a
lot. Some of them move abroad for studying, business, visiting relatives, work and access hospitals

Job Insecurity

Before globalization, skilled people got employment in government sectors and companies where they
received high salaries. Job opportunities were waiting for those who completed colleges and earned a
degree. People would resign a job and quickly get another. Due to globalization, there are many people
seeking employment all over the world. Employers take advantage of cheap labor. One can get a
dismissal because of a slight mistake as the employer can find a skilled worker who is ready to be paid

Price Instability

Price instability is a significant effect of globalization on business. Some people establish industries
overseas where they get cheap raw materials and labor.

Currency Fluctuation

International trade buys and sells products using the US dollar. The price of dollar fluctuates day-to-day
in developing countries, this results in imbalanced economy and unnormal prices for goods and services.
National currencies are affected the most by IGOs.

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