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Who am I?

My name is Donna Barrios, I am from Manteo, NC. I am the oldest of three. My siblings
and I were raised in Manteo. My parents are both from Hispanic background my
father is Mexican and my mother is from Guatemala. I graduated High school in 2020,
I am currently a sophomore here at UNCC.


I enjoy hiking! I have been to a few waterfalls here in NC. I have been to Elk Falls, and
hiked up to grandfather mountain. I have also hiked to see the Devils Bathtub which I
highly recommend! Another hobby of mine is watching anime, I enjoy a lot of anime
shows and any good shows in general.

A accomplishment that I feel that impacted me was being able to graduate during a
global pandemic, the year 2020 was a very difficult year for everyone. I got a lot of my
high school experience taken away from me such as my prom and a real graduation
with a big crowd but despite the negatives many positives came from this year and I
am very grateful to have made it to UNCC.

Meaningful Reading Experience

Growing up I didn't have the best view on reading I would always say that it was boring
and wasn't for me.In high school we read a very inspiring book called "Alchemist" that
showed me a different side to reading. I wasn't so excited to read the book in the first
place because I knew what it meant, it meant that we were going to be interpreting the
reading non-stop and writing essays. It turned out to be a really good book with a
deep message behind it. It taught the readers to listen to their heart and follow their
desires even if those around you didn't think you could. Since I enjoyed the reading
writing essays and talking about it came easy. Since then I realized that reading isn't
so bad.

One time in Middle school I decided to enter into a writing

contest. I don't recall exactly what the topic was but I
remember writing it and being invested into it. There was a
first, second, and third place winner. I didn't think much of it
and decided to give it a shot after all the worse thing that
could happen was not hearing back from the contest. I
ended up winning the second place prize which was a good
feeling and it boosted my writing confidence..


Writing is like the ocean crashing endless words

to create a beautiful story.

Reading is like a projector screening
a movie with love, drama, action, and
horror into your head.

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