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Spesifikasi Teknis Produk Liquid Handling

No Description
MidiPlus Pipette Controller, volume 1-100ml, convenient fold-out stand support,
universal power supply, electronic operation
Weight : 212g
Autoclavable nose cone and silicone adapters (121ºC, 20 min, 1 bar/100 kPa)
1. Battery : Rechargeable NiMH battery (set of three batteries) with universal charger
Charging time Approx. 3 hours
Maximum pipetting speed : 10 ml/s
Dispensing method : Motor driven dispensing Gravity dispensing
Compatibility with volumetric pipettes 1-100 ml common glass or plastic pipettes
Hydrofobic filters : Pore size 0.45 µl, autoclavable
mLine Mechanical Micropipette 0.1-3µl, single channel
Extremely light pipetting forces & ergonomic design
– Prevents repetitive strain injury (RSI)
– Better pipetting results in long pipetting series
Ergonomic finger support
– No need to squeeze the pipette during pipetting, reduces the risk of RSI

mLine Mechanical Micropipette 0.5-10µl, single channel
Extremely light pipetting forces & ergonomic design
– Prevents repetitive strain injury (RSI)
– Better pipetting results in long pipetting series
Ergonomic finger support
3. – No need to squeeze the pipette during pipetting, reduces the risk of RSI

4. 725030
mLine Mechanical Micropipette 2-20µl, single channel
Extremely light pipetting forces & ergonomic design
– Prevents repetitive strain injury (RSI)
– Better pipetting results in long pipetting series
Ergonomic finger support
– No need to squeeze the pipette during pipetting, reduces the risk of RSI

mLine Mechanical Micropipette 10-100µl, single channel
Extremely light pipetting forces & ergonomic design
– Prevents repetitive strain injury (RSI)
– Better pipetting results in long pipetting series
Ergonomic finger support
– No need to squeeze the pipette during pipetting, reduces the risk of RSI

mLine Mechanical Micropipette 20-200µl, single channel
Extremely light pipetting forces & ergonomic design
– Prevents repetitive strain injury (RSI)
– Better pipetting results in long pipetting series
Ergonomic finger support
6. – No need to squeeze the pipette during pipetting, reduces the risk of RSI

mLine Mechanical Micropipette 100-1000µl, single channel
Extremely light pipetting forces & ergonomic design
– Prevents repetitive strain injury (RSI)
– Better pipetting results in long pipetting series
Ergonomic finger support
7. – No need to squeeze the pipette during pipetting, reduces the risk of RSI

8. 725080
mLine Mechanical Micropipette 500-5000µl, single channel
Extremely light pipetting forces & ergonomic design
– Prevents repetitive strain injury (RSI)
– Better pipetting results in long pipetting series
Ergonomic finger support
– No need to squeeze the pipette during pipetting, reduces the risk of RSI

mLine multi channel Mechanical Micropipette 30-300µl, 8-channel
Extremely light pipetting forces & ergonomic design
– Prevents repetitive strain injury (RSI)
– Better pipetting results in long pipetting series
Ergonomic finger support
9. – No need to squeeze the pipette during pipetting, reduces the risk of RSI

mLine multi channel Mechanical Micropipette 5-100µl, 8-channel
Extremely light pipetting forces & ergonomic design
– Prevents repetitive strain injury (RSI)
– Better pipetting results in long pipetting series
Ergonomic finger support
10. – No need to squeeze the pipette during pipetting, reduces the risk of RSI

Carousel stand for 6 mechanical pipette

1. Masa Garansi
24 bulan untuk mechanical micropipette terhitung sejak diterbitkannya Berita Acara Serah Terima
(BAST). Garansi meliputi kerusakan alat yang disebabkan oleh cacat pabrik (factory defect) dan
bukan dikarenakan oleh kesalahan pengoperasian (human error)

2. Layanan Purna Jual

Memberikan layanan purna jual dan ketersediaan suku cadang selama 5 tahun. Suku cadang
meliputi sparepart dan consumable dari alat yang kami jual.

3. Pelatihan
Tenaga Ahli (tim teknik) dari kami akan memberikan pelatihan kepada user terkait cara penggunaan
alat, pengoperasian alat dan pemeliharaan alat. Kegiatan pelatihan akan diberikan on-site sesuai
dengan jadwal yang telah disepakati oleh user pengguna alat.

4. Uji Fungsi
Tenaga Ahli (tim teknik) dari kami akan melakukan uji fungsi on-site. Kegiatan uji fungsi akan
dilakukan sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah disepakati oleh user pengguna alat.

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