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Group no 1


BERCY Tania Ayaulym Bekisheva

MAISONNAVE Nathan Lalit Chilka

Risk ID Risk Impact Probability Severity (PxI) Mitigation Mitigation action

Project Budget expandition Minor Unlikely Low Accepted The budget may not exceed but we should have some buffer
Design requirements not matching Major High likely Extreme Mitigated Discuss the requirements and specifications in another
2 specifications meeting

Family issue (contract) Minor Moderated Medium Accepted

3 likely

Lack of communication (scattered team) Major Unlikely Medium Mitigated Discuss about mean of communication
Team Demotivation Major High likely Extreme Mitigated Reassure the people working on the project
Competitive risk Major High likely Extreme Mitigated Come up with a plan to counter in any case of concurrency
Understanding the use of the system Moderated Unlikely Medium Mitigated Discuss about trainings if its very difficult
Delay timeline Minor Unlikely Low Resolved Since the project is on schedule we will keep following the
8 plan and keep montitoring the project backlog

Staff members quitting Moderated High likely Medium Owned Delegate to the HR tam to hire new people
Steering team Major High likely Extreme Mitigated Find the members of the steering team and define the
10 objectives

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