Lost Love and Other Stories: Answer Keys

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Answer keys LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Lost Love and Other Stories

Book key Discussion activities key
1 Open answers
1–2  Open answers
2 Possible answers:
3 a ten
Similarities: People speak English, people live in
b country
houses, people lived in families, people had to work …
c lost
Differences: There was no electricity, no cars, no
d village
telephone. People didn’t travel far …
e loves
3 Open answers
f fire
4 The English Civil War between the Royalists (the
g ago
Cavaliers) and the Republicans (the Roundheads)  
h day
took place between 1642 and 1649. The leaders of
i Mary
each side were King Charles I and Oliver Cromwell.
j leave
There were several great battles including those at
4 –5  Open answers
Marston Moor and Adwalton Moor, in the north, near
6 a happy
York; and further south at Edgehill and at Newbury,
b pretty
near Oxford.
c eat
5 Open answers
d on the bus
6 Possible answers: Questions for the doll
e walks away from
How long were you in the shop before Mr Brown
f sell
bought you?
7– 8  Open answers
Did you like being in the shop?
9 a 2
Where were you before you went to the shop?
b 6
Was Mr Brown unkind to you?
c 5
Why did you do such nasty things to Mr Brown?
d 3
What will you do now that he is dead?
e 1
+ Open answers
f 4
7–13  Open answers
10 –11  Open answers
14 Tom: (to the old man) Don’t be afraid. I’ll go and see.
12 a afraid
Perhaps it’s an accident. Stay here and you’ll be OK.
b soldier
(to the guard) What’s wrong? Why did we stop?
c charm
Guard: There’s a large tree in front of the train. We’ll
d bravely/well
have to move it, but we can’t do it quickly. So this is
e without
the end of the journey for you. You’ll have to get off
f brave
the train and walk.
13 Open answers
Tom: Walk where?
14 a She tells the future.
Guard: There’s a village near here. You can go there
b She uses cards.
and perhaps find a restaurant or a café. I have to stay
c Open answers
here with the train. I’m very sorry about your journey.
15 a Tom Smith
But you’ll get your money back.
b Madame Zelda
Old man: Thank you very much. I know that my case
c Tom Smith
is heavy. There’s a computer in it, and there are a lot of
d Tom Smith
e the guard (on the train)
Tom: It’s all right.
f the old man
Old man: What’s wrong, my young friend?
16–22  Open answers

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Answer keys LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Lost Love and Other Stories

15 Possible answer: 6 a 6
Dear Mum and Dad, b 5
I have some very good news. I have found a job in c 1
a sports shop. I was going to an interview in a town d 2
thirty kilometres away when the train stopped. At e 3
first, I thought it was the worst day of my life, but f 4
then I met a friendly old man with a bad leg. I helped 7 a 6
the old man with his case and he told me he owned b 2
many sports shops. He said I was the best person for c 10
the job. I am so happy! d 3
Yours e 7
Tom f 5
g 1
Activity worksheets key h 8
1 a car i 4
b horses j 9
c clothes 8 a job
d cook / fire b football
e drink c sports
f petrol d newspapers
2 a Mr Brown lived in a small house near the centre   e fair
of town. f ticket
b Mr Brown didn’t have many friends and he was often g day
bored. h future
c Mr Brown thought the doll was expensive. i hair
d The ticket man on the bus didn’t like Mr Brown. j journey
e Mr Brown put the doll on the table when he had his 9 a letter
dinner. b town
3 a before c train
b when d man
c After e leg
d so f noise
4 a 2 g friend
b 2 h guard
c 3 i tree
d 3 j map
5 a January k village
b strange l case
c mirror m face
d tomorrow n towns
e clothes o person
f desk p day
g voice
h other

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Answer keys LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Lost Love and Other Stories

Progress test key 5 a Y
1 a The Doll b N
b The Charm c N
c The Other Man d Y
d Lost Love e Y
e Journey’s End f Y
2 (a) The Doll is a story about a man called Mr BROWN. g N
(b) One very HOT day, the man walked home from h N
work. (c) He looked in the window of a SMALL shop 6 a 3
(d) and saw a doll with a SAD face. (e) The man b 4
bought the doll for THREE pounds. (f ) The man put c 5
the doll IN HIS CASE and got on the bus. (g) The d 2
ticket man on the bus was very ANGRY. (h) When he e 1
got home, the man put the doll on the TABLE and had 7 a ten
dinner. (i) The next day, the man found the doll on the b afraid
BED. (j) Then he found the doll had OPENED all his c ugly
letters. d bus
3 a early e soldier
b birds f bridge
c stopped g writer
d lost h the same size as
e girl i in a sports shop
f flowers j right
4 a 7
b 3
c 7
d 7
e 3
f 7
g 3
h 3

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