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The E-waste tragedy video questions.

1. How _many_ tons of E-waste do we produce?

We produce around 50 million tons of e-waste every single year and
increase every day.

2. What is a dumpsite?
Its a place where all waste Is taken, in this case e-wastem that is
produced in the world.

3. What problems do these youngsters face?

They breath toxic smoke, this smoke can produce differents disease like
cancer or brain damage.

4. Why has the situation worsened?

Because in the world we produce more and more e-waste, its arrival in
Africa has almost doubled.

5. What environmental problems does this cause?

The e-waste is poisoning the water and air in the world.

6. Is E-waste trafficking legal or illegal?

The E-waste traffic is banned in the world, but it continuous cross the
world from richest to the poorest countries.

7. What is a problem then they try to stop trafficking?

The problem is the corruption, that does not allow to stop this traffic,
there is also a double standard in the rich countries that do nothing to
stop it.

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