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Where: This lesson is directed the further development needed to decipher contextual

information in reading passages found in the STAAR Test. It is expected that the readers will
have developed comprehensive and inferencing skills to apply the new skills to previously
known knowledge to enhance reading abilities.
How: I will HOOK the Students by utilizing books that the students have displayed interest in
the most. I will also use visual aids via PowerPoint or other source material to keep the lessons
interactive and entertaining.
Equip: I will ensure each student has a copy of the sample text each day. I will also designate
specific “partner shared” activities with specific groups to outline specific Text elements from
paragraph/page selections.
Revisit: After the lesson plan and the sample text exercises, I will allow the students an
opportunity to conduct their group projects and present for review. After the conclusion of the
project assignment, I will present the students with a sample text to review their individual
abilities in fictional text element recognition (ungraded).
Evaluate: After the revisited activity is complete, students will be given a chance to conduct
peer reviews of their answers and elaborate on their context clues supporting their answers. Each
student will then, grade each-others responses.
Tailor: For students requiring further assistance on the understanding of the lesson, Small
groups will be conducted with the teacher or an interventionist to further build on already known
knowledge. The objective is to continue to develop understanding of fiction text elements.
Organized: Within each paragraph and section of the stories introduced for practice and
practical exercises, the students will utilize highlighters or markers to make important details
pop. They will be presented with a graphic organizer to help map out necessary information
related to the subject. Each section of the organizer will help encompass the elements of any
 Essential questions:
What element poses the most confusion amongst students identifying their elements?

Are the students demonstrating individual concept recognition as they begin to transition
from group to individual practice/exercises?

Are there areas I would like to readdress after discovering different ways to approach the

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