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Learning Purpose

Ode to a leaf
( if you find gratitude in the things that look insignificant
and that we take for granted, you are graced)
Look at the majestic process of a leaf
Who needs a leaf?
Going through seasons quietly and graciously
A leaf by itself carries no burden of disgrace, so light
No sting, no shame or blame
And if disgrace is illness and illness is to heal
A leaf carries no disgrace, no illness or burden.
A leaf goes through the Four Seasons quietly,
it serves it purpose with quiet, humble grace
A purpose, what purpose would a leaf might hold?
Spring and summer green infused with oxygen,
while fall in elder age exclaiming and proclaiming life in colours,
from orange to red, a true pastel of brightness
In winter settled on the ground in rusting brown,
it can be kept in your book taintless, holding memories of your pages.
A leaf, what purpose would a leaf hold?
150 ml of oxygen per day is not poetry to say, but to your lungs is vital I might say,
While we require a full tank of oxygen,
like bees, leaves work tirelessly I would day.
You leaf, carry no burden, sting
Is it that your function and form so nicely graced are nobler than mine
that is Human privilege
To consume and consume and rarely consider to give back and reconsider
To be born in a human skin, while we fight over colours, you dear leaves know not such horror
You silently serve your purpose with grace and respect for all human race
So dear leaf, I want to ask you today how I can help you and better your day?
You never complain through storms, winds, or rain, through heat or the flame?
I carry weight, I carry a privilege of intelligence, speech, and mobility for trips.
But What can I do for you to better your day?
We need guardians for you to keep you safe to protect us from us and our human intent, like a print in the
future that is shaped as a leaf, or a bee, for the generations to be and to see the gracious purpose of a leaf and a
bee <3:)

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