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An experimental and theoretical approach on kinetics and mechanism for

formation of a four membered (S, S) chelated Pt(II) complex

Article  in  RSC Advances · February 2016

DOI: 10.1039/C5RA21161A


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9 authors, including:

Venkata P. Reddy B. Subhajit Mukherjee

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur Seacom Skills University


Ishani Mitra Partha Sarathi Sengupta

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Burdwan


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Published on 04 February 2016. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology Mandi on 13/02/2016 08:17:28.

An experimental and theoretical approach on the

kinetics and mechanism for the formation of a four-
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 18288
membered (S, S) chelated Pt(II) complex†
Venkata P. Reddy B.,a Subhajit Mukherjee,a Ishani Mitra,a Koyel Misra,a
Partha Sarathi Sengupta,b Wolfgang Linert,c J. C. Bose K,d Goutam Kr. Ghosha
and Sankar Ch. Moi*a

The interaction of a chemoprotective agent, diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC), with cis-[Pt(pic)(H2O)2]2+, 2

(where pic ¼ 2-aminomethylpyridine), in aqueous medium was investigated experimentally and
theoretically. The equilibrium constant (KE) for the formation of the outer sphere association complex
and the rate constants for both steps have been evaluated experimentally, and were compared with the
theoretically determined values. The activation parameters (DHǂ, DSǂ and DGǂ) for both the steps were
calculated and an associative mechanism is proposed. The bonding modes of the product
[Pt(pic)(DDTC)]+, 3, were confirmed by spectroscopic measurements and supported by Time Dependent
Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) and Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) calculations. Penta coordinated
platinum transition state geometries for both the steps were fully optimized and confirmed by frequency
Received 12th October 2015
Accepted 3rd February 2016
analysis and an intrinsic reaction coordinate method molecular docking study has been performed to
understand the binding interaction of complex 2 with B-DNA. The anticancer properties of 2 and 3 were
DOI: 10.1039/c5ra21161a
investigated on a HeLa cell line, and they showed remarkable activity of about 70% compared to cisplatin at 50 mM concentration.

much interest to investigate how variation in the structures of

Introduction amine ligands affect the toxicity of platinum complexes. We
Cisplatin is the most widely used drug for the treatment of have chosen 2-aminomethylpyridine (pic) as the carrier ligand
cancer among the commercially available Pt(II)-based chemo- in the Pt(II) complex [Pt(pic)(H2O)2]2+ 2 due to its s-donor and p-
therapeutic agents.1–5 The clinical use of cisplatin is curbed by acceptor properties, which make it suitable for substitution by
its inactivity against several types of cancer, acquired resistance biomolecules and kinetic investigations. To tune the activity of
in long term treatment along with high toxicity to normal cells. Pt(II)-based anticancer drugs, a new strategy has been developed
Consequently, researchers are aiming to synthesise safer Pt(II)- to design novel Pt(II) complexes9–12 with N- and S-containing
based anticancer drugs with reduced toxicity and wider appli- ligands.
cation. One of the recognised causes for the development of Dithiocarbamate or its substituted derivative dieth-
resistance is reduced transport of drugs across the cell yldithiocarbamate (DDTC) has versatile uses in the area of bio-
membrane. Y. Kidani and co-workers6 noted that cellular inorganic chemistry as a rescue agent13,14 against cisplatin
resistance of cisplatin can be overcome by changing the toxicity. Another fascinating aspect of the bidentate (S, S)
ammine ligands to 1,2-diaminocyclohexane (DACH). As a result, chelating ligand DDTC is its high selectivity to protect from
certain planned amines were used to synthesize Pt(II) gastrointestinal, renal and bone marrow toxicity induced by
complexes7,8 and good results were found. It is therefore of Pt(II)-based anticancer drugs without inhibition of the latter’s
antitumor effect.15–18 Few Pt(II) and Pd(II) dithiocarbamate
complexes have been reported for their remarkable cytotoxic
Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur-713209, W. B., properties, lower cross-resistance and minimum nephrotoxi-
India. E-mail: city19 compared to cisplatin. Binding of Pt(II) to dithiocarbamate
Vivekananda Mahavidyalay, Bardhaman, West Bengal, India sulfur tends to be irreversible in contrast to thio-ether sulfur20–22
Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, and results in a stable adduct, which however does not interfere
Getreidemarkt, 9/163-AC, 1060, Vienna, Austria
with the tumoricidal Pt–DNA interaction. Thus, the protective
Department of Bio-Technology, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur-713209,
action of dithiocarbamate against the toxicity of cisplatin seems
W. B., India
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI:
to be the formation of its stable platinum dithiocarbamate
10.1039/c5ra21161a complexes. In vitro kinetic and mechanistic studies on complex

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2 with a few thiols23–25 have already been investigated.

Combined experimental and theoretical investigation on the
kinetics and mechanism of the substitution reaction of 2 with
DDTC has not yet been studied in detail. Herein, we have
endeavoured to correlate the experimental and theoretical
kinetic data for the reaction. The kinetic study aims to under-
Published on 04 February 2016. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology Mandi on 13/02/2016 08:17:28.

stand the drug reservoir mechanism between DDTC and

complex 2. Cell-based assays and DNA binding studies were
done to evaluate the anticancer properties of the complexes
(Fig. 1).

Fig. 2 pH vs. volume (mL) of 0.05 M KOH solution.
Elemental analysis of the complexes was carried out on a Per-
kin-Elmer 2400 series-II CHNS/O Analyser. Conductivity from Gland Pharma Limited. Culture medium (DMEM) and FBS
measurements were performed with a Systronics conductivity were purchased from Hi-Media.
meter (Model 308), where the cell constant was calibrated with
standard buffer solution. The pH measurements were done
Synthesis of complexes 1–3
with the help of a EUTECH digital pH meter (pH Tutor) with an
accuracy of 0.01 U, calibrated with a standard phosphate Complex 1 was prepared according to the literature method26
buffer solution (KH2PO4/Na2HPO4). Fourier transform infrared with some modication. K2PtCl4 (250 mg, 0.6023 mmol) was
(FTIR) spectra of the complexes were recorded on a Nicolet-iS-10 dissolved in 7.5 mL water and heated at 40–45  C followed by
spectrometer (KBr disk, in the range of 4000–400 cm1). The dropwise addition of an aqueous solution of 2-aminomethyl
kinetic measurements were conducted at pH 4.0 on a Shimadzu pyridine (pic) (65 mg, 0.6023 mmol). The reaction mixture was
UV 1800 spectrophotometer attached to a thermoelectric cell heated at 50–60  C with constant stirring for two hours. A
temperature controller (Model TCC-100, accuracy 0.1  C). 1H greenish yellow coloured precipitate was obtained and the
NMR spectra were recorded with a Bruker Avance-400 (400 solution became colourless aer a few hours of stirring indi-
MHz) spectrometer using D2O or DMSO-d6 as the solvent. ESI cating the completion of the reaction. The precipitate was
mass spectra were carried out on a Waters Q-TOF Micro YA263 ltered and subsequently washed with water, acetone and
Mass spectrometer in water. The pKa values of complex 2 were diethyl ether. It was then dried in a desiccator until a constant
determined by a Metrohm 888 Titrando titro-processor. A Stat weight was obtained (yield ¼ 175 mg, 78%). Elemental analysis
Fax™® 2100 Microplate (USA) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent (%): C6H8N2Cl2Pt (calc. in parentheses): C 18.8 (19.2), H 2.0
assay (ELISA) plate reader was used for the MTT assay. (2.1), N 7.4 (7.5) and Cl 9.5 (9.7).
The diaqua complex 2 was prepared in solution using the
Reagents and methods method of Hay and Basak.27 The chloro complex was converted
into the diaqua analogue in solution by adding two equivalents
All chemicals used for the kinetic and bioactivity study were of
of AgClO4. The solution was kept in the dark overnight, and the
the highest purity available. The starting compounds K2PtCl4
AgCl precipitate was removed by ltration through a 0.1 mm
(99%), 2-aminomethylpyridine (pic) (97%), and sodium dieth-
pore size membrane lter. Great care was taken to ensure that
yldithiocarbamate (NaDDTC) were purchased from Sigma
Aldrich. AgClO4 (97%), AgNO3 (99%), K2HPO4 and NaClO4 were
purchased from Merck. All these reagents were used without
further purication. For kinetic purposes, double distilled water
was used to prepare all kinds of solutions and molecular biology
grade water was used for the bioactivity study. All solvents used
were of analytical grade. Cisplatin (Cis-gland) was purchased

Fig. 3UV-vis (A, black) and simulated TD-DFT (B, red) spectra of
Fig. 1 Structure of ligand and complexes. complex 3.

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Table 1 TD-DFT and experimental band position of [Pt(pic)(DDTC)]

Experimental band TD-DFT peaks (oscillator

(3 dm3 mol1 cm1) strength) Major contribution

310 316 (0.1103) H1 / LUMO (86%) H1 / L+1 (5%)

262 258 (0.1673) H1 / L+3 (91%)
214 216 (0.005) HOMO / L+7 (66%), H7 / L+2 (11%), H7 / L+3 (14%)
Published on 04 February 2016. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology Mandi on 13/02/2016 08:17:28.

the resulting solution was free of Ag+ ions and that the chloro
complex had been converted completely into the corresponding
diaqua species. For the bioactivity study, another aliquot of the
diaqua [Pt(pic)(H2O)2](NO3)2 complex 2 solution was prepared
from [Pt(pic)Cl2] as the NO3 salt using AgNO3 solution (the
same method as for AgClO4).
Job’s method of continuous variation was carried out to
conrm the metal : ligand (M : L) ratio for the reaction between
complex 2 with DDTC at pH 4.0. Complex 2 and the ligand were
Scheme 1 Resonance structures of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC).
mixed according to their probable ratios, like 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 2 : 1
etc. and heated to about 50  C for a few hours and the absor-
bances were measured until a constant maximum was reached.
The exact M : L ratio was found with proper calculation and
shows a bell shaped curve when absorbance vs. [M]/[M] + [L] was
plotted (ESI Fig. S1†). The development of a characteristic peak
in the product complex 3 at 262 nm was monitored as a function
of time at different xed temperatures. Complex 2 and the
ligand DDTC were mixed in a 1 : 1 molar ratio at pH 4.0 in
accordance with Job’s result to obtain the solid product by slow

Synthesis safety note

Metal perchlorate salts should be handled carefully as these are
explosive and hazardous upon strong heating. Appropriate
safety precautions were taken while handling the salt. No
Fig. 4 A typical kinetic plot of ln(Aa  At) versus time: [complex 2] ¼
explosion event was encountered in the present study.
2.43  104 mol dm3; [DDTC] ¼ 2.43  103 mol dm3;
temperature ¼ 25  C. Inset: plot of ln D versus time. pKa value determination of complex 2
The pKa values of complex 2 were determined by the potentio-
metric method using the tiamo 2.4 soware package. The
electrode and titro processor were calibrated with standard
buffer solutions prepared according to NBS specications. pH
versus volume titration (Fig. 2) of complex 2 (2.05  103 M)
with standard 0.05 M KOH solution was done at a constant ionic
Scheme 2
strength (0.1 M NaClO4) and at 25  C. pH was plotted against the
volume of base consumed. The relationship pH  p[H] ¼ 0.05
Table 2 Rate constants for the reaction of 2 with DDTC at pH 4.0 and was observed. Equivalent points EP1 and EP2 were observed in
with 0.1 M NaClO4 the titration curve corresponding to the pKa values HP1 and
HP2. The pKa1 and pKa2 values of complex 2 were found to be
4.76 and 6.83 respectively, which are comparable with the re-
Temp. ( C) 103k1 (M1 s1) KE1 (dm3 mol1) 105k2 (s1) ported pKa values of the almost similar system
25 3.33  0.08 261  0.13 2.15  0.01
30 4.54  0.05 300  0.22 2.80  0.03
35 6.66  0.12 349  0.16 3.79  0.03 Spectroscopic study
40 9.09  0.09 398  0.21 4.94  0.01 Electronic absorption spectrum of 1 in DMSO, lmax (3/M1
45 14.28  0.05 448  0.32 6.45  0.03
cm1): 308 nm (5012). Selected IR frequencies (ESI Fig. S2†)
(KBr disk, cm1): 3200–3170(b), 3110(s), 2924(s), 1616(s),

18290 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 18288–18299 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
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Table 3 Experimental activation parameters for the reaction of complex 2 with DDTC

System Step 1 DH1ǂ (kJ mol1) DS1ǂ (J K mol1) DG1ǂ (kJ mol1)
Complex 2/DDTC 53.87  1.46 107.43  1.13 85.83  1.80
Step 2 DH2ǂ (kJ mol1) DS2ǂ (J K mol1) DG2ǂ (kJ mol1)
40.98  1.17 193.67  1.81 100.18  1.71
Published on 04 February 2016. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology Mandi on 13/02/2016 08:17:28.

Fig. 5 Optimized structure of complex 3.

1559(m), 1449(m), 1288(s), 1162(m) and 425(s). 1H NMR (400

MHz, DMSO-d6, d in ppm, J in Hz) of 1 (ESI Fig. S3†): d 8.91 (d,
Fig. 6 HOMO and LUMO and their energy difference of complex 3.
J ¼ 6.9, 1Ha), d 8.25 (t, J ¼ 1.9, 8.4, 1Hc), d 7.81 (d, J ¼ 10.8, 1Hd),
d 7.46 (t, J ¼ 9.9, 7.6, 1Hb), d 6.8 (s, 2Hg), d 4.40 (t, J ¼ 7.5, 7.5,
2Hf), d 3.3 (water in DMSO), and d 2.49 (solvent DMSO).
The important bands in the IR spectra of 3 (ESI Fig. S6†) are:
3400–3380(br) cm1, 2974(br) cm1, 2823(m) cm1, 1684(s)
cm1, 1637(s) cm1, 1541 cm1, 1522 cm1, 1285–1080(br),
940(s) cm1, 627(s) cm1 and 476(s) cm1.
H NMR of 3 (ESI Fig. S7†) (400 MHz, DMSO-d6, d in ppm, J in
Hz) of complex 3: d 8.5 (d, J ¼ 6.4, 1Ha), d 8.29 (t, J ¼ 2.8, 2.0,
1Hc), d 7.74 (t, J ¼ 7.6, 8.0, 1Hd), 7.56 (d, J ¼ 6.4, 1Hb), 4.40 (d, J ¼
0 0
C NMR of 1 (ESI Fig. S4†) (400 MHz, d in ppm, DMSO-d6): 5.6, 2Hf), 2.92 (m, 4Hx & x ), and 1.15 (t, 6Hy & y ).
d Ce 150.20, Ca 141.64, Cc 124.74, Cd 122.9, Cb 41.56 and Cf The important peaks of the IR spectrum of the free ligand
39.52. DDTC (ESI Fig. S8†) are: 3500–3200(br) cm1, 2978(s) cm1,
Electronic spectrum of DDTC substituted product 3 displays 2923(s) cm1, 2075(br) cm1, 1671(s) cm1, 1617(s) cm1,
bands at different lmax values in aqueous medium with hyp- 1590(s) cm1, 1434(s) cm1, 1262(s) cm1, 1204(s) cm1, 1131
sochromic as well as hyperchromic shi as compared to cm1, 1063 cm1, 936 cm1 and 911 cm1.
complex 2 (ESI Fig. S5†). The ESI mass spectrum of product complex 3 (ESI Fig. S9†)
shows a molecular ion peak m/z at 451.08 (100%) in water.

Table 4 Important bond lengths (Å) and bond angles ( ) of the final product [Pt(pic)(DDTC)] using different protocols in the gas and aqueous


Medium Gas Aqueous Gas Aqueous Gas Aqueous Ref. 52–54

Pt–N1 2.094 2.085 2.066 2.059 2.070 2.065 2.026(3)

Pt–N2 2.140 2.120 2.110 2.089 2.130 2.112 2.015(3)
Pt–S1 2.365 2.377 2.340 2.349 2.356 2.364 2.356(3)
Pt–S2 2.359 2.377 2.334 2.351 2.348 2.363 2.349(3)
C7–N3 1.320 1.320 1.314 1.315 1.330 1.330 —
N1–Pt–N2 79.18 79.42 79.60 79.90 79.64 79.84 —
N1–Pt–S2 103.25 103.44 102.95 103.31 102.82 102.07 —
S1–Pt–S2 74.58 74.28 74.89 74.64 74.88 74.64 —
N2–Pt–S1 102.99 102.86 102.56 102.16 102.67 102.45 —

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Fig. 7 Optimized structures and selected structural parameters for both the steps of the substitution reaction on complex 2 with DDTC for paths
A and B. Distance and bond angles are in Å and degrees ( ) respectively.

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is PBEPBE.34,35 The relativistic effective core potential (ECP) and

associated valence double x (zeta) basis set of Hay and Wadt36,37
(LANL2DZ) were employed for Pt. This comprises of electrons in
the 6s, 6p, and 5d orbitals. The standard split valence basis set 6-
31G(d)38,39 was applied for carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and
sulfur. For the studied reaction, all the stationary points located on
Published on 04 February 2016. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology Mandi on 13/02/2016 08:17:28.

the PES were characterized as minima (all positive frequencies) or

rst-order transition states (one imaginary frequency) through
harmonic frequency calculations at the B3LYP/6-31G(d)/LANL2DZ
level of theory. The vibrational normal modes have been assigned
on the basis of the potential energy distribution (PED) calculated
with the use of the VEDA program.40
For every transition state, the corresponding structures were
conrmed by the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) method41,42
implemented in Gaussian 09. Thermal contribution of the
energetic properties was also considered at the standard state,
namely, at 298.15 K and 1 atm. The rate constants (k) were
calculated within the transition state theory according to the
Eyring equation:43
k(T) ¼ (KBT/h)eDG /KT (1)
Fig. 8 Energy profile diagram for paths A and B.

where T is the absolute temperature, kB is the Boltzmann

constant, and h is Planck’s constant. DGǂ is the free energy of
Kinetic investigation activation for each step. The standard concentration (c0 ¼ 1 mol
The usual mixing technique was followed and pseudo-rst- dm3) was considered in the theoretical calculations.
order reaction conditions were employed throughout the Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis44 at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ/
kinetic runs for the reactions. The progress of the reaction was 6-31G(d) level was calculated to understand the orbital interac-
followed by measuring the increase in absorbance for DDTC tions and charge delocalization during the course of reaction. In
with complex 2 at 310 nm, where the spectral differences the NBO analysis, NBOs are rst dened for each covalent bond,
between complex 2 and the product complex 3 are at lone pair, and anti-bonding orbital using the molecular orbitals
a maximum. The pH and ionic strength were maintained at 4.0 obtained by quantum chemical calculations, and the orbital
and 0.1 mol dm3 (with NaClO4) respectively. The method of interaction energies are consequently calculated for all possible
Weyh and Hamm28 was adopted to calculate the rate constants interactions between electron-donor Lewis-type NBOs (i), and
for both the kinetic studies. The rate data, represented as an acceptor non-Lewis NBOs (j). For each electron-donor NBO (i)
average of duplicate runs, were reproducible to within 4%. and acceptor NBO (j), the stabilization energy Eij associated with
the delocalization i / j is estimated by eqn (2):

Computational details Eij ¼ qif(i,j)2/3j  3i (2)

All calculations were performed with the Gaussian09 (ref. 29) where qi is the donor orbital occupancy, 3i and 3j are the orbital
programme. For optimisation of complex 3 in both the gas and energies and Eij is the off-diagonal NBO Fock matrix
aqueous phases, we have used three density functional theory element.45,46
methods. The rst is the gradient-corrected DFT level using the Molecular docking of complex 2 with B-DNA (PDB ID:1BNA)
three parameter t of exchange and correlation functionals of was done using HEX 8.0.0 soware.47 HEX calculates DNA–
Becke (B3LYP)30 which includes the correlation functional of complex binding, using the knowledge of 3D shape only by
Lee, Yang and Parr (LYP).31 The second is MPW1PW91 (ref. 32 assuming that the complex is rigid and that it superposes pairs
and 33) which utilizes a modication of the gradient-corrected of molecules using the knowledge of 3D shape only. It uses
Perdew–Wang exchange functional, PW91, combined with the a spherical polar Fourier correlation to accelerate the
non-local Perdew–Wang correlation functional and the last one

Table 5 Activation free energy and rate constants based on the computational study using the B3LYP/6-31g(d)/LANL2DZ protocol

Path A Path B

Complex 2/DDTC DGǂ (kJ mol1) Rate (M1 s1) DGǂ (kJ mol1) Rate (s1)

First step 69.3 4.43 90.34 8.82  104

Second step 96.8 0.68  105 67.11 10.86

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Table 6 Charges and electronic configuration for the complexes 3 (S, S) and 30 (S, N)

Complex 3 (S, S) Complex 30 (S, N)

Atom Charge Natural electronic conguration Charge Natural electronic conguration

Pt 0.15537 [core]6S(0.58)5d(8.91)6p(0.34)6d(0.02) 0.31241 [core]6S(0.58)5d(8.83)6p(0.27)6d(0.02)

N1 0.45201 [core]2S(1.28)2p(4.15)3p(0.01) 0.44872 [core]2S(1.28)2p(4.15)3p(0.01)
Published on 04 February 2016. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology Mandi on 13/02/2016 08:17:28.

N2 0.82678 [core]2S(1.40)2p(4.41)3p(0.01) 0.84424 [core]2S(1.40)2p(4.42)3p(0.01)

S1 0.05890 [core]3S(1.71)3p(4.20)3d(0.02)4p(0.01) 0.16600 [core]3S(1.70)3p(4.10)3d(0.02)4p(0.01)
S2 0.05940 [core]3S(1.71)3p(4.20)3d(0.02)4p(0.01) 0.10555 [core]3S(1.74)3p(4.13)4S(0.01)3d(0.01)4p(0.01)
N3 0.38469 [core]2S(1.41)2p(4.41)3p(0.02) 0.49922 [core]2S(1.32)2p(4.17)3p(0.01)

Fig. 9Molecular docking model illustrating the interaction between

complex 2 and B-DNA.
Fig. 10 % of growth inhibition of HeLa cells in the presence of
[Pt(pic)(H2O)2](NO3)2 and the substituted complex [Pt(pic)(DDTC)] NO3
from 5 mM to 50 mM concentration compared with cisplatin.

Scheme 3 Proposed mechanism for the reaction of DDTC with

complex 2 at pH 4.0.

calculations. In order to run the docking protocol in HEX, rst Fig. 11 Microscopic view of (a) untreated HeLa cells, (b) treated with
the DNA and ligand in PDB format were loaded. By clicking on complex 2 (10 mM), (c) treated with complex 3 (10 mM) and (d) treated
with cisplatin (10 mM).
the control option in the main menu, docking was selected and
activated. The parameters which were used in the docking
process are listed in the ESI, Table S1.† The results obtained
aer the docking process were analysed. The E-total values of Bioactivity
the complex against DNA were calculated. To validate the Anticancer properties, cells and culture conditions. HeLa
procedure and results, we ran the same protocol three times cells were used for investigation of the anticancer properties of
and obtained almost the same results. RMSD values were the complexes. The cells were cultured in DMEM containing
calculated and the RMSD is lower than 2 Å. 10% FBS and 1% of penicillin/streptomycin (50 IU mL1 and

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500 mg L1) and cultured for two days at 37  C in a 5% CO2 the metal centre. A Pt–S stretch should appear below 400 cm1
incubator. and was obtained theoretically at 317 cm1. A strong band at
In vitro cytotoxicity assay. Cytotoxicity was investigated by 1541 cm1 and a medium band at 940 cm1 can be assigned to
MTT colorimetric assay.48,49 Approximately 10 000–12 000 cells the (CgN) and (CgS) partial double bond str. frequency
were added to each well of a 96-well plate containing DMEM respectively. The position of these bands in complex 3 reveals
medium. The cells were treated with the desired concentrations that DDTC binds to Pt(II) as a bidentate ligand through the
(5–50 mM) of complex 2 and 3. Cisplatin (5–50 mM) was used as
Published on 04 February 2016. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology Mandi on 13/02/2016 08:17:28.

sulfur centres.
the positive control50 and the untreated cells were used as the H NMR spectra. The d values of the aromatic protons in 3
negative control. The plates were incubated for 24 hours. 20 mL are consistent with those in complex 2. The chemical shi
MTT (5 mg mL1 in PBS) solution was then added to each well position of the ethyl protons is also unaffected when compared
and incubation was done for another 3 hours. 150 mL of DMSO to that in DDTC, which indicates that the amine nitrogen is not
was added to each well to dissolve the blue formazan product. a coordinating site to the metal.
The absorbance of this product was measured at 540 nm, using ESI mass spectra. The product complex 3 obtained from the
an ELISA plate reader.51 reaction mixture of a 1 : 1 molar ratio of complex 2 and DDTC
Microscopic observation of complex-treated HeLa cells. The shows a molecular ion peak m/z at 451.08, which corresponds to
HeLa cells were allowed to grow in 100 mm culture plates the exact molecular mass of product 3 as suggested in the
containing DMEM with 10% FBS and an appropriate amount of mechanism.
penicillin/streptomycin. To acquire around 70% conuence,
they were incubated at 37  C in a 5% CO2 incubator. These cells
were treated with a 10 mM concentration of complex 2, 3 and Conductivity measurement
cisplatin, and incubated for 12 hours. The negative control plate
Conductivity measurement of complex 3 in conductivity water
was also maintained, where the cells remained untreated. These
shows 1 : 1 electrolytes, which clearly indicates that the complex
plates were washed with 1 PBS and used to capture images by
is carrying one unit of positive charge.
an inverted microscope with 100 magnication (Ziess Axio
Kinetic study (experimental)
Results and discussion The pKa value52 of the ligand DDTC is 3.37 at 25  C, thus at pH
Spectroscopic analyses 4.0, the ligand DDTC exists in its anionic form which is involved
Electronic spectra and TD-DFT. The UV-vis spectrum of in the kinetic process. Both the sulfur centres are reactive due to
product 3 (Fig. 3) shows that there are three absorption peaks at negative charge delocalisation between them as shown in
214, 262 and 310 nm, which are due to p–p* and n–p* transi- Scheme 1.
tions in different MOs of the ligands. Complex 3 also shows The pKa values of complex 2 were obtained at 4.76 and 6.83.
a hyperchromic and slight red shi as compared to complex 2. However, the pKa1 value was found to be different from the
To evaluate the nature of the orbitals involved in the transitions previously reported26 value (5.82). The pKa values were deter-
related to the experimental observations, a theoretical approach mined using tiamo soware, which is more reliable and accu-
Time Dependent Density Functional Theory (TD-DFT) compu- rate than the formerly used methods. We can assume that at pH
tational method was applied. The theoretical calculations 4.0 the reactant complex 2 exists in its diaqua form. At
predict that each molecular orbital is formed by the combina- a particular temperature, pH 4.0 and a xed concentration of
tion of a large number of atomic orbitals. The bands in the complex 2, the plots of ln(Aa  At) versus time (where Aa and At
simulated spectrum appear at 216, 258 and 316 nm. The are the absorbances at innite time, i.e. aer the completion of
experimental and theoretical lmax values corresponding to the the reaction and at time t) for various ligand concentrations
bands observed for the electronic transitions are given in Table were curved at the initial stage and subsequently were of
1, which support the experimental results. The major contri- a constant slope (Fig. 4). This indicates that the reaction
bution of the molecular orbitals involved in the electronic proceeds through a two-step consecutive process and we
transitions is shown in the ESI, Fig. S10.† suggest that in the rst step one aqua ligand is replaced in 2 by
FTIR spectra. The ligand DDTC has three prospective donor one sulfur atom of DDTC. The second step is slower, where
centres (S, S and N) and FTIR has been used to conrm the another aqua molecule is substituted by the other sulfur atom
bonding nature of the ligand in complex 3. The important of the dithiocarbamate group and ring closure takes place.
bands in the FTIR spectrum of 3 have been assigned by The rate constants of the reaction for such a two-step process
comparison with the spectral data of DDTC and complex 2. The can be evaluated by assuming the following:
IR peak at 2075 cm1 in DDTC has shied to 2025 cm1 in 3. k1 k2
A !B !C
This is most probably due to the partial multiple bond nature
between carbon and sulfur (–SgCNEt2), which is quite similar to where A is the diaqua complex 2, B is the sulfur bonded one
the behaviour of SCN when coordinated to Pt(II). The peak is aqua ligand substituted intermediate, and C is the nal product
broad, possibly due to delocalisation of charge between both 3. Formation of C from B is predominant aer some time has
the sulfur donor centres (Scheme 1) and their coordination to passed, i.e. when the reaction is complete.

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Evaluation of k1 Evaluation of k2
The rst step substitution process, the A / B step, is dependent The second step B / C involves displacement of another water
on the incoming ligand concentration. At each temperature, the molecule accompanied by ring closure through another sulfur
rate constant k1(obs) values were evaluated using the method of atom of the dithiocarbamate group of DDTC (Scheme 2).
Weyh and Hamm28 from the plots of ln D (the variation of D is According to the HSAB principle, formation of a Pt(II)–sulfur
shown in Fig. 4, inset) versus time (where t is small) and are four-membered ring is more favourable than a platinum–
Published on 04 February 2016. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology Mandi on 13/02/2016 08:17:28.

collected in the ESI, Table S2.† Using the usual consecutive rate nitrogen four-membered chelate. In the literature, few four-
law: membered metal chelates have been reported with so metal
ions like Pt(II)53 and Pd(II)54,55 where dithiocarbamate moieties
(Aa  At) ¼ a1 exp(k1(obs)t) + a2 exp(k2(obs)t) (4) use both of their S-donor centres to chelate the metal ion.
Consequently, we expect that DDTC would show a similar type
where a1 and a2 are constants that depend on the rate constant of bonding nature with Pt(II) in complex 3 and the same has
and extinction coefficient, the values of [(Aa  At)  a2- been conrmed from spectroscopic data.
exp(k2(obs)t)] were obtained from the parameter X–Y at At each temperature, the k2(obs) values were calculated from
different times. the limiting linear portion (when t is large) of the plot of ln(Aa 
At) versus t (Fig. 4) and the values are collected in the ESI, Table
ln D ¼ constant  k1(obs)t (5)
S3.† Unlike k1, the k2 values were found to be independent of
where D is the difference between the observed and extrapo- ligand concentration at all the temperatures studied. The
lated part of the linear portion of (Aa  At) versus time (when t is derived rate equation of the reaction based on kinetic obser-
small). Hence, k1(obs) is derived from the slope of the plot of ln D vations is as follows:
versus t (correction coefficient is 0.9879). kE  k1 ½DDTC
Rate ¼ ½complex 2 þ k2 ½complex 2 (9)
The same procedure was followed in the range of ligand 1 þ kE ½DDTC
concentration from 2.43  103 mol dm3 to 7.29  103 mol
where KE is the outer sphere association equilibrium constant.
dm3, at a constant complex 2 concentration (2.43  104 mol
dm3) and at different temperatures (25, 30, 35, 40 and 45  C).
The reaction rate increases with the increase in ligand Effect of temperature
concentration up to a limiting rate (ESI Fig. S11†). The depen- The reaction was studied at ve different temperatures at
dency of the k1(obs) values on ligand concentration can be different ligand concentrations and the substitution rate
explained in terms of rapid formation of the inner sphere constants for both the steps (k1 and k2) are given in Table 2. The
association complex between the reactant complex 2 and DDTC activation parameters calculated from the Eyring plots (ESI
in the step A / B. This is followed by inner sphere association Fig. S13a and b†) (R2 for k1 is 0.9795 and R2 for k2 is 0.9865) are
through sulfur coordination via displacement of one water given in Table 3. The Gibbs free energy of activation was derived
molecule resulting in the intermediate B. The following Scheme from the thermodynamic relation DGǂ ¼ DHǂ  TDSǂ. The
2 can be proposed for the reaction: activation parameters DHǂ and DSǂ are compared with analo-
Based on the above equations, a rate expression (6) can be gous systems in the ESI, Table S4.†
derived for the A / B step:
Computational study
d[B]/dt ¼ k1KE[2][DDTC]/(1 + KE[DDTC]) (6)
A list of bond distances (Å) and angles (degrees) obtained from
d[B]/dt ¼ k1(obs)[2]T (7) the optimized geometry of complex 3 (Fig. 5) is presented in
Table 4 and compared with the reported data of closely related
where the subscript T stands for the total concentration of the structures.56–58 The energies of the most signicant orbitals
complex (2), thus: (HOMO, LUMO, HOMO1, and LUMO+1) of complex 3 and
their energy differences are shown in Fig. 6.
1/k1(obs) ¼ 1/k1 + 1/k1KE[DDTC] (8)

where k1 is the rate constant for the formation of B and KE is the Kinetic investigation by DFT
outer sphere association equilibrium constant. A plot of 1/k1(obs) The reaction of complex 2 with DDTC is a second-order nucle-
versus 1/[DDTC] was found to be linear (ESI Fig. S12†) with an ophilic substitution (SN2) process. In a general SN2 reaction
intercept of 1/k1 and a slope of 1/k1KE. This equation is appli- path, ve stationary states e.g., the reactant (R), reactant inter-
cable to all the temperatures under the kinetic study. The rst mediate (RI), TS, product intermediate (PI) and product (P) are
step rate constant k1 and KE values were obtained from the found.59,60 The reaction may proceed in two different paths (A
intercept (1/k1) and from the slope-to-intercept ratios (1/k1KE). and B) both having two steps. In path A, the aqua molecule trans
The k1 and KE values (Table 2) thus obtained are dependent on to the ammine (NH2) group of the carrier ligand pic leaves rst
the ligand concentration. through a trigonal bipyramidal (tbp) transition state resulting
in a mono aqua [Pt(pic)(H2O)–S–DDTC] complex (B). In the
second step, the aqua molecule trans to the pyridine nitrogen

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leaves the platinum coordination zone resulting in the product to Pt(II) rather than (S, N), which is in concurrence with the
complex 3. This is also true for path B, where the aqua molecule spectroscopic results and also the SHAB principle.
trans to the pyridine nitrogen leaves the coordination zone rst
through tbp to the mono aqua complex [Pt(pic)(H2O)–S–DDTC] Molecular docking with B-DNA
complex (B0 ). The next step is formation of the (S, S) coordinated Molecular docking studies of complex 2 with the DNA duplex of
complex (C). All the intermediate structures found in this sequence d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 dodecamer (PDB ID:1BNA)
Published on 04 February 2016. Downloaded by Indian Institute of Technology Mandi on 13/02/2016 08:17:28.

reaction are stabilized through H bonds since the interaction were performed in order to predict the chosen binding site.
with the Pt(II) atom is negligible (Pt–S distances being above Complex 2 is exible enough to adopt a conformation which is
3.365 Å as compared to 2.356 Å.57,58 All stationary states (Fig. 7), complementary to the minor groove62 of the DNA (Fig. 9). The
i.e. the four reactant intermediates (RI1, RI10 , RI2 and RI20 ), almost planar structure of complex 2 ts into the minor groove
transition states (TS1, TS10 , TS2, and TS20 ) and four product of B-DNA in a parallel way with respect to the DNA backbone.
intermediates (PI1, PI10 , PI2 and PI20 ), located on the PES are The platinum complex forms two hydrogen bonds with the
conrmed by frequency analysis. The coordinates of all the guanine (2.8 Å) and adenine (1.9 Å) bases of the 30 to 50 poly-
stationary states and negative frequencies of the corresponding nucleotide chain in DNA. The resulting binding energy of the
rst-order saddle point are shown in the ESI, Table S5.† The docked metal complex was found to be 34.77 kcal mol1.
total energy prole diagrams (energies are in kJ mol1) for the
studied reaction in the different possible paths (A and B) are Reaction mechanism
shown in Fig. 8. Rate constants and activation parameters for
the reaction calculated for both the possible paths (A and B) are The experimental kinetic study shows a rapid equilibrium due
shown in Table 5, in which the relative energy change in path A to outer sphere association between complex 2 and the ligand
is reasonable compared to path B. The theoretically calculated DDTC. DDTC substitutes two water molecules of complex 2 and
rst step rate constant (k1 ¼ 4.43 M1 s1) is found to be higher gives the substituted product 3 through (S, S) coordination. The
than the experimentally determined rst step rate constant leaving group H2O trans to the primary amine is substituted
(k1 ¼ 3.33  103 M1 s1). It might be explained on the basis of rst rather than the one trans to the pyridine nitrogen due to its
the fact that the outer sphere association equilibrium (KE) more labile nature. The second step is slower than the rst, and
constant and rst step reaction rate constant are not distin- is also independent of the ligand concentration. The four-
guishable or separable in the computational method. The membered Pt–S bonded complex is quite unnatural in Pt(II)
association equilibrium (KE) constant and actual rst step rate chemistry and should be unstable. However, here it is stabilised
constant (k1) are collectively shown as a theoretical rst step rate by simultaneous electromeric and inductive effects of the ethyl
constant, which is greater than the experimental rate constant groups attached to the nitrogen in DDTC. A 1 : 1 metal–ligand
at 25  C. In the case of the second step, the theoretical rate ratio obtained from Job’s method of continuous variation also
constant (k2 ¼ 0.68  105 s1) is closer to the experimental corroborates with our proposition. The IR spectrum of 3 also
value (k2 ¼ 2.15  105 s1) at 25  C. As a result, the theoreti- conrms that DDTC behaves as a bidentate ligand (Scheme 3).
cally calculated and experimentally determined rate constants Theoretical investigations suggest that the reaction proceeds
are reasonably comparable. through path A instead of path B. A theoretical study has been
performed to verify our proposed mechanism, which is estab-
lished based on experimental work and good agreement was
found between them.
Natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis
The coordinating sites to Pt(II) were conrmed by natural bond Bioactivity
orbital (NBO) analysis, calculated at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ/6- Anticancer property and IC50 value of complexes 2 and 3.
31G(d) level. NBO analysis provides detailed insight into the Inhibition of cell proliferation was investigated by incubating
nature of electronic structure and bonding in the probable HeLa cells with various concentrations (5.0–50 mM) of complex
complexes 3 and 30 with DDTC by considering61 chelation 2, 3 and cisplatin by comparing with the negative control
through (S, S) or (S, N) respectively in the substitution reaction. (untreated cells) under the same experimental conditions. A
The calculated atomic charge and electronic congurations for graphical plot (Fig. 10) of the percentage of growth inhibition of
complex 3 (S, S) (Fig. 5) and the other probable complex 30 (S, N) the HeLa cells versus the complex concentrations reveals that
(ESI Fig. S14†) are listed in Table 6. The formal charge of Pt in the rate of growth inhibition increases with the increasing
both complexes 3 and 30 is +2.0 a.u. The calculated natural concentrations of the complexes. This indicates that the
charge on Pt(II) in complex 3 (0.1553 a.u.) is lower than that in 30 complexes show potential inhibition of HeLa cell proliferation
(0.31241 a.u.) which implies that there is more charge donation in a concentration-dependent treatment. Complexes 2 and 3
to the Pt(II) centre from (S, S) in 3 than from (S, N) in 30 . thus have potent anticancer activity comparable with that of the
Moreover, the formal charge on both (S, S) in complex 3 established standard metallodrug, cisplatin. The half maximal
(0.05890 and 0.05940 a.u.) is less than that on (S, N) in complex inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of complexes 2 and 3 were
30 (0.10555 and 0.49922 a.u.). The formation of complex 3 calculated and found to be 36  0.6 and 30  0.4 mM respec-
through (S, S) coordination can hence be conrmed by tively, as compared to 12 mM of cisplatin42 for HeLa cells. The
considering better charge transfer from the donor centres (S, S) microscopic images of HeLa cells treated with a 10 mM

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