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NIM :121460106
Class : TPB 25
Study Program : Railway Engineering

1. Introductory paragraph
 Hook: Did you know about environmental hygiene?
 Background: Garbage gives off a non-wearing odor that disturbs the comfort
of the community by
 Thesis statement: There is a Positive influence on maintaining the cleanliness
of the environment as well as possible, so as not to bring disease to our lives.

2. Body : explanation of environmental hygiene

 Main Idea : Maintain the cleanliness of the environment
 Supporting idea 1 : improving environmental hygiene
 Supporting idea 2 : reduce the risk of disease
 Supporting idea 3 : reducing environmental pollution
 Supporting idea 4 : raise awareness of the environment

3. Conclussion : Maintaining environmental cleanliness is very important, in addition to

reducing disease vactors also reduce environmental pollution,


Cleanliness is something that we must take care of in the surrounding environment in

order to achieve a healthy and comfortable life. In achieving a healthy and comfortable life
we must have an awareness of environmental cleanliness. Environmental cleanliness can be
achieved by simple ways such as removing garbage in its place, as well as student awareness
with general picket activities, and community with Gotong royoong. Because there is a
positive influence in maintaining the cleanliness of the environment as well as possible, so as
not to bring disease to our lives.
Garbage is something that is considered unusable or can not be used anymore,
because it is no longer liked. Then garbage must be disposed of, but garbage must certainly
be managed as well as possible, so as not to bring negative things to our lives. causing several
adverse effects on health and the environment, one of which is in Health, Garbage is a
breeding ground for disease vectors such as mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and rats while in
the community the garbage can be clogged in sewers, Combustion can cause air pollution,
when rotting garbage causes an odor that does not wear that interferes with the comfort of the
community therefore we must be able to process waste wisely and well to help reduce its
adverse effects.

The conclusion of garbage is something that has been finished using and or no longer
used due to damage, tearing, fatigue and so on, but if we cannot process it properly then
waste will only pollute the environment, damage the aesthetics of the environment, which
causes discomfort or can even cause disasters such as floods, and maintaining environmental
cleanliness is very important, in addition to reducing vactor disease also reduces
environmental pollution.

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