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1. Could you do all your assignments on time last semester?

Yes, I could, but it was very difficult for me to deliver the work.
2. Could you do the programming jobs 1 alone?
I could not, I met with my colleagues.
1. Could you ride a bicycle before the age of 10?
Sure, I could, I learned at 7.
2. could you play video games until dawn?
Yes, I could stay up very late, I was one of those heroes.
1. At what age could you read?
I could read since I was 6 years old
2. could you leave your house a month ago?
I could go out a few days a week.

I was an average person in most sports, but I was good at chess, I
played several tournaments. I was also good at baseball, but there was
no court at my school and over time I put it aside.
was good at my studies too, I only have difficulty in understanding
subjects like philosophy. I was very good at what I did, a student at the
higher of the average.

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