Weekly Game Notes

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Zulkir Szas Tam – A powerful Lich necromancer and Red Wizard of Thay.

Szas Tam has assembled a huge army of thousands of zombies and skeletons and made a pact with a
family of demons to help him defeat the Rashamen near Thay. The demons agreed to help in exchange
for their extra-demensional territories and their magic essence. For unknown reasons the Rashamen
have mostly left Faerun and are no longer a threat to Thay. Since the pact with the demons must be
fufilled, new distant territories must be conqured to be turned over to the demons.

Szas Tam has decided to conquer the Sword Coast.

He has tasked several Red Wizards who reside in the Sword Coast to find and open several ancient
portal gates that connect to Thay. Once they have been erected, Zulkir intends on flooding the area with
his undead armies. Then when the undead have conqured the area, the gates will be turned over to the

The gates must be found and activated with a special key. The keys have long been lost, but the book
that was recently stolen from Candlekeep contains information on how to make a new one.

There are three gates on the west coast that must be found. Each gate has ancient symbols of the other
places that they can go to. Only a few of the symbols can be deciphered. The only known symbol is the
gate in Winterglen because it is still used by the Elves there. Each of the three gates has a symbol that
goes to Thay.

1.) In Winterglen. The Elven Isles. (Arabani Symbol)

2.) In the Troll hills. Located in the Warlock's Crypt close to Baulder's Gate. (Freth Symbo) – elves
know where it

3.) In the Many-Arrows mountains. Mithral Hall (Dwarven lands) near Icewind dale. (Godeep Symbol)

There are Red Wizards tasked with opening the gates.

Fizzbazz Kashazz – A camimshite summoner who is intent on getting a slice of the power from the
conquering of the Sword Coast. He is currently building the keys. Then he is to use it on the gate in the
Troll Hills.

Nahmn Golkat – A wizard priestess of Myrkul who wishes to learn the secrets of immortality that
Zulkir Szas Tam can teach. She is currently seeking out the gate in Winterglen.

Gregor Orm – A warlock scholar of ancient history who has vowed a pact to the demon lord who is
helping Szas Tam. He is currently seeking out the gate in the Many Arrow mountains.

- There are several papers with ancient symbols on them. If taken back to candlekeep, it is found that
they are symbols to locations. Only one is known. The Arabani Symbol for Winterglen.

- There is a magic message written in Demononic “Good work. I knew I could count on you. Our
friends will be pleased. Bring them to the chapter house as soon as they are done.”

- A journal of research about revenants is in his desk. It looks like it was him who summoned the
Revenant that has been attacking the clerics of Illmater. There is a note in the margin “Lets see them
cause any more trouble for us now!”

The PC's also find the Luck Blade in the room with the swords…

When it is taken back to candle keep one of the librarians recognize it.

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