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Cannibalism at Sea | The Sinking of the Mignonette

From the experience narrated at the video, we can say that survival
cannibalism has been the last resort for the people involved. They had no
choice but to do the terrible deed to face the terrible circumstance they
were facing right that very moment as it had been their last report in
order to survive. As we all know, cannibalism has long been an ethical
issue raised in different parts of the world since for some, cannibalism has
been a part of their culture and tradition.

Yet, the question in mind is will I opt to do the same given the
environmental circumstance and phenomenon that we are unable to
control. In my own opinion, cannibalism is a clear act of murder and
brutality. As human beings, we are expected to be at the prime of respect
for the human body which is considered as a gift from our Creator. We are
expected to consider the life of others as how we also respect ours. As
much as we do not want to be in a situation similar to what has been
depicted in the video clip, it is also more challenging to divide and look for
possible ways in order for us to survive. Yet, if we look back on the values
embarked on us since we were little, we have been trained to care for
others and create harmonious and meaningful relationships with those
people we are with.

I am not in favor of this dehumanizing act. I believe that with faith in God,
we will be able to survive. It may be heartbreaking and mind-excruciating
yet given the scenario faced by those in the story, I believe it is better to
face the reality of death than to be the cause of someone’s death.

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