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Submitted by,

Halge Avinash Vishwanath

Roll no.2101067

Q1. Identify one activities system known to you. Who or what are the key actors involved in the
activity system?

In our E-health research, we apply Activity Theory both theoretically and practically into Agent
Technology. To facilitate our research, General Systems Theory is chosen to integrate Activity Theory
and Agent Technology. On the one hand, we consider Activity Theory as specific subject of General
Systems Theory. On the other hand, General Systems Theory contributes to Agent Technology with
systematic perspectives. As integration, we introduce Activity Systems Theory as an extension of
Activity Theory. Then we apply it into Agent Technology discussion.

The systems scientists also defined a set of laws and principles, from which we selected three for the
discussion on Activity Theory:

• System holism principle: A system has holistic properties not manifested by any of its parts.

• Hierarchy principle: Complex natural phenomena are organized in hierarchies wherein each
level is made up of several integrated systems.

• Feedback principle: The result of behaviour is always scanned and its success or failure
modifies future behaviour.

The key concept in Activity Theory is activity system. An activity system embodies the necessary
components to achieve one common objective within a context. An activity system comprises six
components, namely, object, subject, tool, rule, division of labour and community. (See figure 1) The
object is something to be transformed, and is always treated as the centre/focus of the activity.
Subject is the transformer. Tool includes all the artifacts that the subject uses to transform the
object. During the transformation, the subject must obey the rules within a community, while the
object decides the labour division of the activity. After the transformation, an outcome is generated.
Community is either the physical place where the activity happens or a virtual sphere that includes
the other five components. These six components interrelate and form an activity. An activity
system is always learning and developing. Activity systems periodically face situations, in which their
internal contradictions are aggravated and demand a qualitative reorganization, or re-mediation, of
the entire activity

Q2. Take an area of activity known to you and determine what form of information system
supports it.

An information system (IS) is a formal, sociotechnical, organizational system designed to collect,

process, store, and distribute information. From a sociotechnical perspective, information systems
are composed by four components: task, people, structure (or roles), and technology. Information
systems can be defined as an integration of components for collection, storage and processing of
data of which the data is used to provide information, contribute to knowledge as well as digital
products that facilitate decision making.
A computer information system is a system that is composed of people and computers that
processes or interprets information. The term is also sometimes used to simply refer to a computer
system with software installed.

Information Systems is an academic study of systems with a specific reference to information and
the complementary networks of computer hardware and software that people and organizations
use to collect, filter, process, create and also distribute data. An emphasis is placed on an
information system having a definitive boundary, users, processors, storage, inputs, outputs and the
aforementioned communication networks.

In many organizations, the department or unit responsible for information systems and data
processing is known as "Information Services"

A Management Information System (MIS) is an information system used for decision-making, and for
the coordination, control, analysis, and visualization of information in an organization. The study of
the management information systems involves people, processes and technology in an
organizational context.

In a corporate setting, the ultimate goal of the use of a management information system is to
increase the value and profits of the business. This is done by providing managers with timely and
appropriate information allowing them to make effective decisions within a shorter period of time.

The terms management information system (MIS), Information management system (IMS),
information system (IS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), computer science, electrical computer
engineering, and information technology management (IT) are often confused. MIS is a hierarchical
subset of information systems. MIS are more organization-focused narrowing in on leveraging
information technology to increase business value. Computer science is more software-focused
dealing with the applications that may be used in MIS. Electrical computer engineering is product-
focused mainly dealing with the hardware architecture behind computer systems. ERP software is a
subset of MIS and IT management refers to the technical management of an IT department which
may include MIS.

A career in MIS focuses on understanding and projecting the practical use of management
information systems. It studies the interaction, organization and processes among technology,
people and information to solve problems.

Q3 Visit the site and attempt to determine what forms of customer profiling it

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles, a feature of Amazon Connect, equips contact center agents with
a more unified view of a customer’s profile with the most up to date information, to provide more
personalized customer service. Customer Profiles automatically brings together customer
information from multiple applications into a unified customer profile, delivering the profile directly
to the agent as soon as the support call or interaction begins. Amazon Connect Customer Profiles
aggregates customer data with built-in connectors for third-party applications. When a customer
calls in, Customer Profiles scans and matches phone numbers or customer IDs to customer
information located in connected applications and surfaces a unified profile to the agent in real time.
Customer Profiles combines contact history information from Amazon Connect (for example,
number of holds, transcripts, customer sentiment) with customer information such as phone
number, address, and recent or current order status from CRM systems and ecommerce and order
management applications. With Amazon Connect Customer Profiles, agents have all the customer
information they need in a single place so they can provide more personalized customer service.

Built-in third-party connectors

With a few steps, you can easily connect to your customer data repositories with built-in connectors
for third-party applications like Salesforce, ServiceNow, Zendesk, and Marketo, or for other
homegrown applications using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Connect SDKs, or
Amazon Connect APIs.

Automated customer profile matching

As a customer calls in or starts a chat, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles automatically scans and
matches the customer phone number or customer ID against customer information from connected
applications. It then surfaces a unified profile to the agent, directly in Amazon Connect.

Single view of customer data

Amazon Connect Customer Profiles combines contact history information from Amazon Connect (for
example, number of holds, transcripts, customer sentiment) with customer information such as
address, phone number, recent orders, or current order status from CRM systems and ecommerce
and order management applications.

Identity Resolution

Contact center agents will now be presented fewer duplicate profiles in their agent application.
Amazon Connect Customer Profiles uses machine learning to detect similar profiles based on similar
name, email address, address, and phone number and consolidates them into a unified profile.

Set up in minutes

Use a drag and drop contact flow block to access end-customer information from Customer Profiles
and personalize the contact center experience. The Amazon Connect Customer Profiles flow block
finds the profile based on the customer phone number or email address. You can then use customer
information from the profile to personalize automated interactions and contact routing.

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