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Sports are types of activities that involve physical actions and skills in which an

individual or team will usually compete against another or others for the purpose of

entertainment. There are lots of benefits that can be beneficial to people who attend

sports actively in order to maintain their health and keep their bodies fit. Generally, most

people enroll themselves in sports to fill their time with positive activities that can be the

source of enjoyment in their life especially when they are feeling exhausted and agitated

after spending hours at work or studies. Then, sports can be one of the contributing

factors that lead countries’ economic status to be stable based on the sales and profits

made from the competitions and tournaments all around the world. For example,

football has been one of the most influential sports that is proven to bring people

together from different backgrounds as they come as one to cheer for their favorites at

the respective venues held globally.

However, sports can also impact one’s life negatively when it is done obsessively as in

to distract their life when doing the activities. For example, an individual can be stressed

over people’s perception of their appearances and eventually started taking their words

seriously and began to do sports extremely in order to get the desired body goal.

Hence, it is important for the society to be aware of their surroundings to not hurt others

by their hurtful words and different point of views.

All in all, sports will unite people together by bringing them close around common

values and desires. Individuals can evolve and learn together through sport, which

provides an opportunity for people to connect while leaving all preconceived ideas and
animosities at the threshold, enabling them to look beyond their differences and unite as

human beings of common interests.

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