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So, my dude, I don’t know what I’m going to say on this letter.

But I hope you will read this. I wanna tell

you a little piece of my love story. I will begin my story from my junior high school. It was 4 years ago,
but I still feel the same. Even though that I don’t know what is she’s feeling on me. It was me at the 9-e
class. I was a little boy from bukittinggi that doesn’t has a lot of friend. Because I’m a reticent, I don’t talk
too much to my friends. I wanna tell something just for a few friend that I feel comfort to share.

Ok, back to the topic, I entered a new class, that’s 9-e. I met new friends too. On this class girl is
more than boy. Mmm and I thought this class is so so. But, I liked someone in the class, I will say her
name as “A”, hahaha.. because I don’t remember her name, I just remember her beautiful face. Day by
day, it become so-so for me. I don’t know why, maybe it’s seem like I don’t like her attitude. And her
personality too. But when I feel that, at the same time I realize she has a beautiful friend too. Not too
beautiful I think. But as long as time goes, I became often to see her. Now I feel something weird. I just
keep saying in my mind that she just so-so, and then be cool as usual. But I cannot lie to myself.
Everything about her, I curious.

I start to see her facebook profile. I don’t know why, but stalking her personal data is something
interesting for me. I saw all of her profile picture, And I feel so crazy. Waa…. Her beautiful eyes, and her
cute smile I never forget that. It became a new hobby for me. I checked all of her statues and like them.
Omg I think I like her that much. I knew her idol; I knew her address I knew a lot of her. Ok thanks. Hehe
I hope you enjoy this story. And I will tell you more, if I get more punishment

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