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Name: Naomi Ashley A.

Lat______________ Rating _________

Grade and Section: 11-JOBS____________________ Subject Teacher: Arman Gonzales_

Due of Submission: Oct. 19, 2021______________

POINT OF VIEW: Third person


CHARACTERS: Mother Goose, Duck, Ugly Duckling, ducklings

PLOT: The classic nineteenth century fairy tale tells the story of a duckling who, when hatched
along with his brothers and sisters, is ridiculed and ostracized because they perceive him as ugly.
He wanders alone through the fall and winter, and suffers from fear, loneliness, and sadness. In
the spring he flies away from the marsh and meets up with a group of swans, and realizes that he
too has become a beautiful swan.

SYMBOLS: The narrator uses animal symbolism to tell a disguised human story. It unites
animal transformation and animal moral tale in a unique way; it is about an unrecognised
metamorphosis that really isn't one at all.

TERM: Ugly duckling - an unattractive or unpromising child who becomes a beautiful or much-
admired adult.

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