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Week 3: September – Sunday Reflection

a. Sunday Mass
b. September 5,2021 at 8:00 am
c. Virtual
d. Facebook Livestream

In the midst of Coronavirus Pandemic, today’s scriptures remind me
to “be open” to God’s power to heal and says to the heart are frightened; be
strong, fear not! God comes to save us. When we are open to God’s gift of
healing, we find that there are many expectations and greater hope. God
has done everything well for us. God wishes to alter our lives and the world
around us. This however, is not impose on us. We need to be open to
change. We follow and believe in God because we have faith that he can
do anything but fail. Today, along with my struggles and sufferings, I am
challenged to acknowledge Jesus healing presence in every area of my
life. It maybe difficult to embrace or even understand the Gospel’s
challenge at this time. I know that God did not bring us this far to leave us
now. Today, I pray to god to open our eyes, ears and hearts so that the
power of God can be more evident in our lives. Never stop praying and
never stop believing. We may never fully understand why so much is going
on to our lives. One thing is certain: God healing presence is all around us.
Let our openness to God bring healing to our brokenness, comfort to our
fears and strength to our journey.

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