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NAME: Carlo Martin P. Lim__________________ GR.&Sec.: 11 – Fortitude__________

TRUE or FALSE: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Correct the
statement if it’s false.
___T__1. Substrate binds in the active site.
___T__2. An enzyme is usually lipid biological catalyst.
___T__3. The reactant molecule that an enzyme works on is the Substrate.

Faster _4. A Catalyst retards the chemical reaction without being changed

___T__5. Coenzymes are non-protein organic molecules that are mostly derivatives of
___T__6. Cofactors are small protein organic molecules that assist enzymes during the catalysis
of reactions.
___T__7. DNA and RNA polymerases are examples of Holoenzyme
___T__8. Apoenzyme activation occurs upon binding of an organic or inorganic

catalyst_9. Enzymes are reactants and are used up during the reaction.
Burst__10. Once an enzyme binds to a substrate and catalyzes the reaction, the enzyme
is released, unchanged, and can be used for another reaction.
___T__11. Some enzymes are more specific than others and will only accept one particular
___T__12. Enzymes have a defined two-dimensional structure.
______13. Enzyme‘s amino acid sequence are typically 10-500 amino acids long.
______14. Transition state is the intermediate stage in the enzymatic mechanism.
______15. Substrate molecule collides with the active site of its enzyme forms the Enzyme
Substrate complex.

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