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Internet reliability has been doubted for many reasons, one of which being the fact that anyone

can post a
personal views of anything.
There is a lot of wrong information on the internet. Anyone can post anything, and much of it is garbage.

Mobile Internet
My topic today is about mobile internet. I was given a vertical bar chart, which represents the
results of the survey in which people were asked do they use the internet on the mobile phone.
The results are presented in percentage. Overall, we can notice considerable differences in
answers. The biggest percentage of people who use mobile internet was in 2018, which accounts
for 52 percent. On the contrary, in 2012 the least number of people used the internet, which
makes only 11 percent. 16 percent more of global population surf the web in 2014. In 2016,
almost twice as many people of global population used the mobile internet. Overall, it is obvious
for the statistical data that over the years more and more people have started using the mobile
internet and it is logical because during the years technologies are developing and
Moving on to the questions, I am in two minds talking about the internet reliability. On the one
hand, the internet can be not trustworthy source of information, because we can find a lot of
wrong information on the internet. It is because anyone can post anything and much of it is
garbage. For example, one of the most popular information source Wikipedia, in which the
authors are anonymous, so there is no way to determine their competence. So the information
founded in such websites not necessarily is based on real facts. On the other hand, there is
another type of information sources on the internet such as Magazine articles, books and
newspaper articles from well-established newspapers, which are written for a general audience
by authors or journalists who have consulted reliable sources, so we can trust that information.
Regarding the last question, in today’s world, internet and televisions are taking over the place of
newspapers, due to several considerable reasons. First of all, internet is the easiest way to find
out the information. For instance, you can wake up, pick up your phone and to get know what
happened in the world. Secondly, with online sources of information you will always be up to
In conclusion,
Web conference presentation: Sports in Lithuania
Aims: To raise awareness people’s about sports in order to keep us healthy or to inform people
about sports which they can engage in our country.

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