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Technology has created a global culture. Do you agree?

We live in a modern society, where in order to succeed in any field, an individual must be up for
some changes. Currently, in today’s fast-paced world, the significant growth of technologies has
generated a great deal of discussion among citizens. While some people assert that it did not
change our daily life, I tend to believe that technologies made a big impact on our life and
created a global culture.
First of all, one of the biggest positives of this technological advertisement is that it has led to the
faster spread of global news. For example, now with this technology, a person in Lithuania can
watch the news of what is happening in America. As a result, due to these advanced
technologies, people become more aware about the news in different parts of the world.
Secondly, modern technologies create a massive aid of global communication. For instance,
people despite the long distances between them, can communicate with each other on various
online applications, such as Facebook and Google Meet. Therefore, it makes our life easier, we
become more closer with each other, because we can contact the long distances.
All things considered, I agree with the idea that technology has created a global culture.
Technology is changing every aspect of our lives. The benefits provided by new digital
approaches are having a huge impact on our societies.

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