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The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak is one of the natural disasters that defines so much effect on global
health burden, in which worldwide has more than 22 million people are suffering from it and more than
791,000 people died. Iran ranks 11th among the countries with the most COVID-19 cases in the world,
with several people of 350,000 and more than 20,000 deaths (WH0,2020).

Pregnancy is one of the most pleasant and at the same time most critical periods in the life of most
women. It involves a host of new and unprecedented emotions and experiences. Unfortunately, with
the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic, pregnancy and childbirth for women are taking place in utterly new
and unusual circumstances. (Mortazavi, F., Ghardashi, F.)

Studies show that in previous epidemics, pregnant women have become one of the most vulnerable
groups of people and the worst that suffered. During the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
outbreak in Hong Kong, pregnant women reported frustration, anxiety, problems with sleeping, and
disruption of their daily lives. Due to the fear of being infected, pregnant women were hesitant to check
and attend hospitals. They also experienced insecurity and uneasiness even at home and had worries
about contracting the disease. (Mortazavi, F., Ghardashi, F.) Due to the spread of the CoVid 19 in the
world, its impact has led to fear, stress and anxiety in individuals. The fear of individual has increased
even more especially in pregnant woman at risk as they are concerned about their safety and their fetus.
(Sahina, B., Kabakcib, E. )

Results from this study provided a detailed description of women’s lived experience with giving birth
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare providers need to provide clear communication and
compassionate patient-centered care to relieve women’s anxiety about uncertain and unpredictable
policy as the pandemic continues to evolve. (Ajayi, K., et al)

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