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How long did Gareth have to teach the boys?

Gareth has to teach the boys during eight weeks

What was his aim?

His aim was to try to improve the boys reading age by six months

What three things did he believe were important?

He believe important firstly to make the work fell like plays

Secondly have to learn to lose and to come back from that and third thing was to take risks but all kind
of risks not physical risks also doing things like acting in front of other people.

Gareth made some general changes, for example:

The boys should made their own outdoor classroom

Also tried to involve the boy´s parents as much as possible in their education and he visited them at
their homes on several occasions

To improve, their language skills he organized

A school debating competition against the girls

A reading World Cup
A write a own play and perform it at the local theatre

How successful were three activities?

When they started to prepare for the debate the boys weren´t very enthusiastic but soon they started
to get more involved. The girls won the debate but the boys had learned to argue and to express
themselves better

In a reading World Cup some of the boys couldn´t read very well, but all got very excited and became
more enthusiastic readers

In a play, all the children, boys and girls worked hard and although some of them felt very nervous
before they performed the play but it was a great success and the boys were thrilled

Did the boys reading improve? If so, how much?

Yes they had improved by six month and some of them had advanced the equivalent of two years in just
eight weeks

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