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\title{\textbf{D T W}}

\author{Susheel Surineni}







Computer programs have many functions which can be discussed in terms of design tools.
One of the most widely used design tools is computer-aided design (CAD) software like Autodesk
Inventor, DSS SolidWorks, or Pro Engineer which enables designers to create 3D models, 2D
drawings, and schematics of their designs. CAD together with Digital Mockup (DMU) and CAE
software such as finite element method analysis or analytic element method allows designers to
create models of designs that can be analyzed without having to make expensive and time-
consuming physical prototypes.

\section{Course details}

It consists of 4 CO's in 1st semester . Here you will get a detailed report about the topics
included in the given CO's and how it is planned accordingly.


The engineering design process is a series of steps that engineers follow to find a solution to
a problem. The steps include problem solving processes such as, for example, determining your
objectives and constraints, prototyping, testing and evaluation.

The process is important to the work conducted by TWI and is something that we can offer
assistance with.

While the design process is iterative it follows a predetermined set of steps, some of these
may need to be repeated before moving to the next one. This will vary depending on the project
itself, but allows lessons to be learnt from failures and improvements to be made.

The process allows for applied science, mathematics and engineering sciences to be used to
achieve a high level of optimisation to meet the requirements of an objective. The steps include
problem solving processes such as, for example, determining your objectives and constraints,
prototyping, testing and evaluation.

\section{STEPS IN IDE}

1. Define The Problem

2. Brainstorm Possible Solutions

3. Research Ideas / Explore Possibilities for your Engineering Design Project

4. Establish Criteria and Constraints

5. Consider Alternative Solutions

6. Select An Approach

7. Develop A Design Proposal

8. Make A Model Or Prototype

9. Test And Evaluate

10. Refine The Design

11. Create The Solution

12. Communicate The Results



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\includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{"C:/Users/91630/Downloads/DESIGN TOOL




\section{AUTODESK FUSION 360}

It is used to make 3D models.Autodesk, Inc. is an American multinational software
corporation that makes software products and services for the architecture, engineering,
construction, manufacturing, media, education, and entertainment industries.



Hypertext Markup Language.HTML (HyperText Markup) Language is used to create Web

pages and tells the browser how to display them. It designs the basic layout and formatting of Web
pages. HTML is made up of elements or tags and attributes which work together to identify
document parts and tell the browser how to display them.

we can do it using visual studio code.



\includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{"C:/Users/91630/Downloads/DESIGN TOOL

















MiKTeX is a free and open-source distribution of the TeX/LaTeX typesetting system for
Microsoft Windows (and for Mac and certain Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian and
Fedora).It also contains a set of related programs. MiKTeX provides the tools necessary to prepare
documents using the TeX/LaTeX markup language, as well as a simple TeX editor: TeXworks. The
name comes from Christian Schenk's login: MiK for Micro-Kid.


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