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Manoling Francisco, SJ, the composer of many well- loved Church songs such as “Hindi Kita
Malilimutan”, “Huwag Kang Mangamba”, “ Sayo Lamang” and “Humayo’t Ihayag” does not stop in
serving God through his beautiful songs and presiding on Eucharistic Celebrations.

Unbeknownst to many, he manages a foundation that has been providing full scholarship grants to
countless deserving students for many years already. He has also consistently served the poor and the
marginalized during the pandemic by regularly giving food to thousands of families throughout the
nation. He named his foundation based on another of his popular songs, the Tanging Yaman Foundation,

Indeed, Fr. Manoling serves the Lord, not only by worshipping and praising Him, but also by serving His
beloved people.

Today, the Gospel focuses on the two most essential commandments of love God has instituted for us:
to love Him and love the people.

As striving followers of Jesus, we must always remind ourselves that loving and following the Lord is an
inseparable two- fold mission. If we confess that we love God, then loving others must also be evident.

This commandment is not asking us to choose one over the other. Loving God involves loving His people,
no matter how worthy or unworthy they can be. In the first place, we can only love because He first
loved us (1 John 4:19).

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