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Nama ; Muhammad Khozainur Rohmat

Nim ; 2061404100053
Prodi ; Administrasi Publik
Semester ; satu 1
Fakultas ; ilmu sosial dan politik

Parking place in the unita
In unita there are parking place for school bus,car,and motorcycle student. This place is spacious to
accomodate many vehicle.the shsde is great for parking the vehicles if it is parked fora long time,so
you not afraid of overheating. Besides that this place can also be used if there is a big event such as
eid mubarok,eid al-adha as a place for slaughtering animals,praying together if the main place is not
enough,andcan also be used as a place for martial arts training.dont worry if it rains there is already
paved so it won’t get muddy when it rains.the place is conected to you not walk so far
to this place.the place is savety you dont worry because there are satpam to protec your vehicle

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