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Cerberus is a character in Greek mythology, one of the guarding the entry of the
underworld on which reigned the god Hades. It is a gigantic dog with three heads,
instead of fur, its body is covered with poisonous snakes. In all Greek mythology
only Heracles and Orpheus managed to defeat him. the first captured him, but
didn’t kill him and Orpheus enchanted him with the lyre. In the literature we find
Cerbero in three main books love and psyche (amore e psiche), the divine comedy
(la divina commedia) and the aeneid (Eneide). While in modern culture we find the
monster in my little pony friendship is magic (cartoon) or in harry potter and the
philosopher’s stone, we find Cerberus also in some video games as god of war 2, god
of war 3, resident evil, in assassin’s creed odyssey we can also find him in Super
Paper Mario.

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